Chapter 17: Guilty as Charmed

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Colby's Point Of View:

I lay in bed sleepily, my fingers gently tangled in Sam's blond locks as we lay. His soft breathing was all that was heard in the comforting silence and his body was pulled closer to mine in a snuggle. How will I tell him? He'll be so heartbroken.

We only just got together. It'll be so hard to do this, though I have no choice. I could feel the guilt tingling at my lips, craving the words to break free and spill. But I can't let that happen just yet. I want to spend every day with him before it is done.

I shake away the thoughts, glazing down at the blond boy pulled into me. "What's up?" Sam whispered, moving his head so he was looking up at me with a gentle smile. I smiled as well and stared deeply into his shimmering blue orbs .

"You- I .. I love you, Sam." I whispered, feeling my heart drop at what I had just said. Not because I didn't love him, no I do, but because I didn't know how he felt towards me. It's been a few weeks and I've already fallen in love with him.

I mean, how can't I? How can't I love the soft blond hair that dangled down on his forehead, or the shimmering blue eyes that stay filled with hope and life? Or the perfect lips I wish to have mine on day and night? Or his small form that I'd wish to have my hands on and pull close to forever? Or just the fact that he's been so good to me when I've been so bad.

How can't I just not love him all in all? I was soon cut off by a small nudge on my side coming from Sam. I flinched in discomfort and pushed his hand away lightly before looking down at him nervously. Tears of happiness filled his eyes, to my shock, and a bright smile plastered itself on his perfect pink lips.

Without a word, Sam climbed up to me and molded our lips together, filling me with the relief and hope that began to fade. I smiled through the kiss and kissed back, a comforting sensation tingling at my bare body.

Slowly, Sam flung his leg over me so he was straddling me all while keeping the kiss going. I hummed in satisfaction and hovered my hands over his tiny form, not knowing where and where not to place them. Sam noticed and rolled his eyes. He grabbed my hands and planted them on his waist, a little closer to his beautifully shaped ass.

Yes, I've had my few sneaks. Sam ran his hands down my chest and toned abs, slowly reaching the waist band of my grey joggers and running a finger along it. He ran them along my torso teasingly, refusing to just do what he knew I wanted. He smiled through the kiss once I groaned, fed up with his tiny torture session.

I swiftly grabbed his behind, pulling him down on me making him gasp. "Such a sneaky boy." I growled huskily, dipping my head in his neck and forming multiple hickeys. The rest of the details are between Sam and I.. [ ; ) ]

((Later On Through the Day))

Sam and I laid on the white love sac, our bodies snuggled into one another and my arms wrapped around him protectively. I felt happy, satisfied. But I couldn't get rid of the deep pit in my stomach that dropped my mood. I felt angered and scared.

Scared Sam won't understand when I tell him what I've been hiding. Scared I'll lose him like that and never be able to see him or his breathtaking smile again. "Hey." A small voice cut me off and I looked down from my phone, giving all my attention to my love.

"You seemed stressed." He spoke softly, noticing the frown curved into my brows. I didn't mean to seem like that but my thoughts got to me. "Oh it's nothing, baby. Just a little tired." I lied, adding up to the guilt I already felt.

I never liked lying to Sam. But right now I didn't want to worry him and ruin the rest of the day. He nodded in understanding and reached up to peck my lips. I smiled and closed my eyes, chuckling mentally every time he placed a tiny peck on my lips.

This is going to be so hard..

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