Chapter 3: Dinner at The Diner

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Sam's Point Of View:

I slip on my navy button-up shirt along with my white jeans as I get ready for tonight's dinner. I sprayed on some of my signature cologne and secure my shoe laces before grabbing my phone off charge. I stuffed it in my pocket and walked down the stairs to meet everyone. Seeming as they weren't ready yet, I sat on one of the stools and pulled out my phone. 7:56 pm.

I shut my phone off and perk hearing footsteps descending the stairs. I looked over and smiled spotting Devyn walking down with Corey. Devyn had her makeup done and had a beautiful leather black dress on, stopping at her thighs. Corey wore a black, white and maroon striped jacket along with black jeans and white shoes.

"You guys look amazing!" I exclaimed and stood up in amusement. "Oh stop it." Corey joked, flicking his imaginary hair making us laugh. "Hey brothers." Aaron then joined, wearing a pink button up shirt along with navy jeans and a pair of black shoes. "You guys ready?" I grinned receiving nods of approval.

Devyn grabbed her black purse off the kitchen island, coated with sparkling stones all over. That must be expensive. I followed everyone out and shut the door after me, making sure to keep it unlocked though I'd prefer if Colby spent the night out. "We can take my car." Corey suggested and unlocked it for us. Aaron and I got in the back seat while Corey got in the passenger seat and Devyn got in beside him.

A laugh escapes my lips as I watch Corey messing around with chopsticks, being the usual child he is. He stuck out his tongue in concentration and clipped the chopsticks around the the whine glass, trying to lift it up. As figured, the class slipped and broke, spreading water everywhere. "Corey!" Devyn lectured and threw paper towels over the spilling water.

"Bah bah!" Corey exclaimed in his squeaky voice as he began to fake cry. Drawing attention. Aaron and I burst out laughing as people send us weird stairs. Devyn apologized to them and tried calming down Corey. "Okay, okay I'm sorry! Just stop crying!" She whisper yelled making Corey calm down a little and laugh.

"You guys are such children." She huffed as she shook her head. Soon our requested bill came and like promised, Corey offered to pay. "I'm truly sorry for the mess. They're such childish people." Devyn apologized to the waiter who just chuckled and nodded his head.

We drove back home and walked in, spotting Colby on the couch, scrolling through his phone. Everyone scattered to probably get showered and dressed into comfortable clothes, leaving me with Colby once again. How do we always end up like this?

I let out a sigh and walk over to one of the couches and sat down, pulling out my phone. That's basically what I stay on all day. "How was the date, pipsqueak?" Colby suddenly spoke up, smirking my way a little. I rolled my eyes and let out a little groan. "My name is Sam, not pipsqueak. And it wasn't a date." I huffed and looked back at my phone.

He hummed in approval and nodded lightly. "Well pipsqueak, I don't care. How was it?" He rolled his eyes, catching my attention. "Well, emo boy, if you don't care then you have no reason to know." I huffed out again, having fed up with his cockiness. "Someone's on their period today." He scoffed lightly, scrolling through his phone.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I shouldn't let his words affect me. He's only doing this to get to me and make me feel bad. He really does sound like a bully. I should pay no attention to him but how can I when he's constantly mocking me and getting on my nerves?

I let out a quiet huff to myself and head up stairs to shower. Maybe that'll take my mind off of him..

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