Chapter 6: Home Alone

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Sam's Point Of View:

I walk towards the kitchen after a long, warm shower and grab some microwave popcorn. I threw in a bag and set two minutes on the clock before starting it. I hummed lightly, the smell of butter and salt filling my nose as it begins to pop. I grabbed a bowl and leaned against the kitchen island located in the center.

I let out a bored sigh and looked up, a figure grabbing my attention. I stiffened and squint my eyes trying to make out who that was. No one was in the house though. Discretely grabbing the sharp knife from the drawer ahead of me, I grip it against my chest tightly and wait in a little fear. I swiftly turned around once a hand was placed one my shoulder, pointing the knife at the person.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Colby exclaimed, putting his hands in the air. "Jeez sunshine, I'm sorry!" He backed away, making me huff out. "I thought you were gonna kill me or something!" I retreated my knife, running a relieved hand through my hair. He shook his head and hopped onto the island.

"What'cha doing anyways, blondie?" He asked, swinging his legs a little. "What happened to 'pipsqueak'?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms as I stared up at him. "Well pipsqueak, what are you doing?" He asked again with an annoyed eye roll. I shook my head a little and opened up the microwave. "Making myself some microwave popcorn. Want any?" I offered though he doesn't deserve any.

"Nah. Thanks." I was a little shocked by that. But didn't let it show and just nodded. It felt nice talking to him when he wasn't so mean all the time. But that's bound to change again soon. I opened up the bag of popcorn hissing once the hot butter burned at my fingers. "Gosh dangit." I muttered as I swated my hand to cool it off. Colby laughed and shook his head in amusement. "Idiot." And there it is.

I glared his way and threw a piece of popcorn at his head. "Woah, woah, woah! Watch the hair!" He exclaimed, straightening it making me roll my eyes. "Like it was any good before that." I laughed making him growl. "Hey, I'm just stating facts here." I laughed again and raised my hands in defense. Though that was just supposed to be a thought.

"Shut it pipsqueak." He snapped and I noticed his eyes turning a little darker. I scoffed. "And what if I don't?" I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms against my chest. Where did all this confidence come from? He hopped off the counter and approached me a little too harshly. I took a subconscious step back.

"I wouldn't test my capabilities if I were you." He spoke lowly, threateningly as he approached me more. And soon enough, my lower back was pressed against the counter behind me and I was trapped by his arms placed on either side of me. He look down at me with a smirk once he noticed the little fear that had filled my eyes obliviously.

"You're just an act. You try to act tough and smart, like you don't fear or care." He kept speaking as he leans down to my ear. My body shuddered as his breath hit at it and slightly at my neck. Realizing what was going on I quickly pushed him back, yelling out "Get away from me!"

The force of my push sent back and causing his lower back to hit harshly at the counter behind him. He let out a little groan of pain, making me shuffle forward. "I-I'm sorry." I panicked a little as I tried to help him. But he was too angered and shoved me away. "Stay away." He growled with angered eyes.

He huffed a little and stomped off leaving me in utter guilt. I didn't mean to hurt him. But there's been times when he did hurt me..

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