𝗶𝗶𝗶. chapter.

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          THE TWO AGENTS WERE ON THE QUINJET NEXT DAY. Quinjet was flying them to the helicarrier. On Phil's luck, Steve Rogers aka Captain America was on the quinjet with them.

          Jean wasn't very dazzled by him, not like Phil was. She didn't understand why was Phil so into Captain America. It was pretty cool that he is now like 90 years old and that he was the world's first superhero but Jean lived with her powers for as long as she remembered so it wasn't super fantastic for her.

          Redhead kid watched as Phil awkwardly approached the Captain who was watching the footage of Hulk. "So, this Doctor Banner was trying to replicate the serum that was used on me?" Steve questioned, his eyes not leaving the Hulk footage.

          "A lot of people were. You were the worlds first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula," Phil explained to Captain.
Next thing, Hulk roared, earning the attention of Steve again. He smashed the Jeep. Steve was pretty disappointed and he didn't even hide it."Didn't really go his way, did it?"

          Jean snickered, earning the attention of Steve. "Does it even? When he's not the jolly green giant, the dudes super smart. Like John Sulston smart," Jean started to fangirl. Steve looked at her confused, not knowing the person she was speaking of.

          "He's like a smart person," Phil clarified before he turned into a fangirl. "I gotta say, its an honour to meet you, officially." Steve smiled at the man. There it goes, Jean thought. She waited for this moment for a while.

          "I sort of met you, I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping." Young redhead almost chocked at his words. She laughed even if she didn't want to. That just sounded weird. Steve looked at her and gave her a little smile. Jean walked over and sat on the window.

          "I mean, I was...I was present while you were unconscious from the ice." Phile signed and backed off a little. "You know, it's really...it's a huge honour to have you on board."

          Jean couldn't resist anymore. She never saw Phil acting so weird and awkward. She started laughing again. Her laughter amused Steve, who was glad to have someone happy and positive like her on the team. Steve watched her footage too so he didn't expect her personality to be like this but it was kind of relaxing.

          "Well, I hope I am the man for the job," Steve exclaimed.

          "Oh, you are, absolutely. Uh...we made some modifications on the uniform. I had a little design input," Phil announced proudly. Cap was confused. "The uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little...old fashioned?" Phil turned sombre for a moment.

          "With everything that's happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might just need a little old fashioned," Phil explained.


          The quinjet landed on a massive battleship known as Helicarrier. The three walked down one of the ramps from the runway, meeting up with Natasha Romanoff known as Black Widow.

          "Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers. You already know Agent Grey." Nat sent Jean little wink, which redhead returned with a smile. Nat then turned her attention to the Captain. "Ma'am," Steve greeted.

          "Hi," she greeted back, turning to Phil. "They need you on the bridge. Face time," she informed him and Phil nodded.

          "See you there." He walked off leaving Jean with the two.

          "There was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon. Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?" Black Widow asked leading the three to the place where Bruce Banner was.

          "Trading cards?" Steve looked at her in big confusion. He didn't know that those even existed.

          "They're vintage, he's very proud. Jean got him some rare ones for his birthday last year." Steve looked over at the redhead kid. That was actually the first time someone used her first name. She looked at Steve with a small smile.

          In this situation, she was glad she had mind-reading powers. She used her powers to find the cards Phil needed to fill his collection. She knew how much that meant to him and also she wanted to thank him for being like a father figure to her for almost five years now so he did deserve a special gift.

          They walked in the room. Dr Bruce Banner didn't notice as they approached him, he was obviously nervous. Jean almost didn't believe when they told her that he was Hulk, an angry green giant who smashed everything in his path. Then again, she understood him and that he had the dark side. She always believed that everyone had a dark side, she knew she has it too and she definitely doesn't want to unleash it.

          "Dr Banner," Steve greeted once the man finally noticed their presence. Steve and Bruce shook hands. He seemed a bit relaxed as he noticed them which probably meant he saw their footage. "Oh, yeah, hi. They told me you were coming, you too." He looked from Captain to the young agent.

          "Good afternoon Dr Banner," she nodded slowly with a smile on her face. Her voice warm unlike everyone who spoke to Bruce today. Both Bruce and Steve were a bit taken back at her warm tone. They both thought she would be scared but she showed no signs because she wasn't.

          "Word is you can find the cube," Bruce looked over to the man out of time. "Is that the only word on me?" Steve sent him his special smile. "The only word I care about," Steve exclaimed seriously. Bruce blinked.

          "Must be strange for you, all of this," Banner mused, gesturing around.

          "Well, this is actually kind of familiar," Steve explained. Jean couldn't help but smile. She was glad that Bruce found a person he was comfortable to talk to like she had Charles. It was a very important state for control, she knew that too good.

          "You get used to it pretty quickly," Jean added. She got used to it quickly. Back when she first walked through the agency she didn't have this kind of technology and knowledge, but it didn't take her much to learn to use everything.

          Bruce turned to look at the young teen."How long have you been working for SHIELD?" He asked, wondering exact same thing Tony and Steve did, why and how they hired a kid, even one with superpowers like her.

          "Almost five years," Jean replied enjoying the wind that was blowing in her hair and face.

          Jean caught the attention of Natasha. A woman walked to them. "Gentlemen, Jean, you may wanna step inside in a minute. Its gonna get a little hard to breath."

          Helicarrier started shaking instantly because they were ready to fly. "Is this a submarine?" Steve asked. "Really? They wanted me in a submerged pressurized metal container?" Bruce scoffed.

          The two moved closer to get the better look. "No. It's much worse," Redhead mused with a smirk and then walked inside.

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