𝗶𝘅. chapter.

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          JEAN HELD HER EYES CLOSED AS SHE WAITED FOR IMPACT TO HIT HER, but she felt absolutely nothing for a long minute

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          JEAN HELD HER EYES CLOSED AS SHE WAITED FOR IMPACT TO HIT HER, but she felt absolutely nothing for a long minute. She slowly opened her light blue eyes just to see herself floating in the air while all the stuff that supposed to hit her after the impact, floated along with her.

          Redhead looked around the room. She saw that everyone was thrown in every possible direction on the ship. Steve, Fury, Thor and Tony were thrown across while Natasha and Banner were down in the lower equipment room.

          Jean slowly put herself down as she kneeled beside Steve who was the closest one to her. "Are you hurt?" She asked as she helped him up. He shook his head and looked over at Tony.

          "Put on the suit!" He called out as Tony nodded. "Yep!" Jean helped Tony up and both men exited the lab as quickly as possible.

          "Hill," Fury yelled through his earpiece. The little redhead walked over to everyone that was in the lab and helped them to the ground again.

          "Stark! You copy that?!" Fury asked while holding his probably broken ribs. "Coulson! Initiate official lockdown in the detention section then get to the armoury! Move out!" Man ordered and as soon as young agent heard that, she ran out of the lab.

          Jean couldn't let Phil fight alone, he may be an older and more experienced agent than her, but he never fought against God and she didn't want him to experiment now. He could always use some backup. And she couldn't lose him. He was her rock. The one that raised her and helped her the most trough hard years she had, she thought that she would lose her mind if something was to happen to the man.

          Redhead signed happily when she saw Phil on the way to the room where Loki's cell was. She ran up to him from behind. "Phil, go help the others. I can handle this," she said to him with assuring voice.

          "Jean, It's my job to protect this ship, people who are in here and most likely you. I am definitely going. You're the one that should stay away from this," Man explained while continuing his way to the room.

          "I can't risk losing you. You are too important to me," she admitted truthfully. Phil as soon as he heard those words stopped for the second. Both just looked at each other with sympathy. He smiled at the kid who just hoped that he would change his mind and help Maria or someone else instead of going against God but she knew that he wouldn't change his decision no matter how hard she tried to convince him.

          "Look, kid. Everything is going to be alright. We will beat him up together," He decided as he gave her a hopeful smile. "And besides, I always wanted to try this baby," the man mused with a smirk as he held on the huge gun in his hands. Redhead kid couldn't help but chuckle at him.

          As both agents entered the room they saw that Thor was trapped in the glass cage, where Loki was supposed to be. Thor, in a fit of anger, slammed Mjölnir onto the glass cell. To his surprise, the cell door only cracked and violently shook the ship.

          Loki stood there in caution, as did his guardian soldier. God of Mischief smiled and walked over to the Control Panel. "The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" He asked his older brother but suddenly, the man who was guarding Loki fell down like a tree.

          Jean used her powers to make him fall asleep instantly. Loki saw the two agents that were standing there. Phil was holding phase 2 weapon prototype in his hands while Jean just stood by his side in her fighting position.

          "Move away, please," Phil asked as Loki moved away from the switch. "You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the destroyer. Even we don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?" Phil asked as Jean smirked.

          Redhead kid heard a loud gasp on her left side where her father figure stood. Her eyes wide open when she was that Phil was stabbed through the heart. Real Loki stood beside them all this time.

          "Nooo!" Thor yelled trough the glass cell where he was in while Jean helped Phil to lay down on the ground.

          He was breathing fast as he tried to fight to stay awake. Jean tried to stop the bleeding but to much blood came out. She could feel hot tears running down her face as she watched how Phil's blood slowly found its way to the floor.

          Loki made his way to the control switch. He gave his brother one last look. Thor looked at him with the hope that his brother won't press the button, but Loki opened the hatch. Thor still hoped and his brother finally hit the button and dropped him out of the ship.

          Loki held emotionless face as he looked down at the redhead kid who desperately tried to save her legal guardian. He closed the hatch and proceed to leave the two behind.
Phil had a few last words for the God. "You're gonna lose," He called out in a week voice.

          Loki turned around. He was pretty stunned by how the man who was dying was trying to insult him while Jean pressured the injury to stop the bleeding but still, nothing worked.

          "Am I?" God asked with a smirk. "It's in your nature," stated Agent Coulson. Both agents made eye contact between them as Jean read his mind.

          "Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky...where is my disadvantage?" Loki asked. "You lack conviction," Phil replied and Loki was left confused.

          "I don't think I..." And before God could finish his sentence, Agent Coulson shot him with the weapon and Jean used her powers and with joined forces, they made Loki fly trough the wall behind him.

          "So that's what it does," Phil managed to say with a small smile. Jean kneeled down next to him once more. The agent let the weapon fall from his hand to the floor as he felt that energy slowly started leaving his body.

          "Phil, stay with me, please. I can't...I can't lose you," Jean begged while sobbing. Coulson smiled at the girl as the blood started trickling from his mouth. The young agent knew that her father figure was close to death and she wasn't ready for that. "It's alright, kid."

          Fury ran in the room only to find Agent Coulson still alive, barely while his adoptive daughter was holding his body on the floor. Phil glanced over at Nick and he smiled weakly. "Sorry, boss. They got rabbited."

          "Just stay awake. Eyes on me!" Fury ordered as he kneeled on the other side of Phil. "No. I'm clocked out here."

          "Not an option," Fury stated while Phil turned his gaze to redhead kid again. "I love you kid," Jean nodded her head while more tears fell down her face. "Love you too..."

          "This was never going to work... if they didn't have something... to..." Agent Coulson looked away as his last words escaped his mouth. He signed out his last breath. Nick Fury looked on grimly at Coulson.

           Jean gasped at the sight. "No. No. No. No." She repeated over and over again as she felt a blast of energy running through her body.

          She let out a bloody loud scream and all items and stuff that were in the room crashed at the opposite wall. Everything smashed into pieces as she let the energy out of her body.

          "Agent Coulson is down," Fury announced trough the earpiece while watching little redhead child who was crying herself out. "Paramedics are on their way," Maria Hill spoke through the earpiece as Fury slowly pulled himself up.

          "They're here," Fury quietly said to the girl whom everything ran down in slow motion. She saw the paramedic team when they entered the room but everything was blurry because of the tears that couldn't stop forming in girl's eyes.

          "They called it," Director called through the earpiece and he slowly moved Jean from there. Everyone listened as little girl sobbed through the earpiece and they were all left heartbroken at the moment.

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