𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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Back in Tulsa, I was defined as a "soc" because my folks were pretty wealthy. Labels were not missed when I left and I wasn't looking forward to them coming back for my trip. We don't really have labels in Kansas, or at least labels didn't matter as much. They're dumb and meaningless anyways and it does nothing but ruin us and it was getting us in trouble, sadly even worse killed.

The setting of the town was transforming as I watched the luxury turned into deprivation. Driving around, we pass a vacant lot and I have flashbacks of that kid. I was walking in this same area knowing I shouldn't be walking alone. I remembered seeing him backed against a tree with a group of socs huddling around him. I didn't think much of it until I hear the echos of loud screams ringing in my ears. I ran straight home and days later went by, when I heard rumors of a boy getting jumped at the park by some socs. I asked Steve in school if he knew this boy and I was depressingly right. The boys name is Johnny and he was one of Steve's friends. Steve questioned how I even heard about it in the first place and I came clean and told him I saw it happen. He was upset with me for a couple of days but understood that I have no place or have anything to do with the situation.

After all those hours on the road, we finally made it. And when we arrived, Steve was sitting on the front steps. We all impatiently got out of the car and Steve ran towards us. "Welcome y'all, how was the drive?" Steve asks, going in for hugs. Mother chuckled, "Oh you know how the roads are down here!"

Steve and I walked to the trunk to pick up our luggage. "Only a year's flew by and you've missed so much" He said. I roll my eyes, "Oh I bet I did" I replied, grabbing a bag. "You like it over there?" Steve asked. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, "It's definitely quieter" I said. Steve scoffed, "And that's fun to you?"

"I'm more likely to get hit by a tornado than stabbed or shot" I added. Steve shook his head, "Boring my point exactly" He laughed. Unpacking the rest of the car, Steve's entire mood changed the moment his father walked outside. His smile flips and his eyes stay low and it didn't help that Uncle Kenny was without a doubt intoxicated.

He walks closer towards us and slaps Steve on the back. Which kinda looked and sounded like it hurt but then he put his arm over Steve's shoulder and smiles. "Who is this beauty over here, my son?" Uncle Kenny jokingly asked. Steve fakes a grin and chuckles as he bends over to grab another bag. "I'm just kidding, I could tell who you were from a mile away! Get over here, beautiful!" He shouts out and pulls me in for a hug. He nonchalantly leaned up against the car, "So Riz, you old enough to hit the bars yet?" He asked me. My eyes widened and Steve's did as well, "Dad!" Steve shouted, "Come on, man don't start already!" He said. His Dad starts to chuckle, "Calm down kid, it was just a joke, alright. But how old are you anyways?" Uncle Ken asked me. I take the last bag out of the truck, "I'm sixteen" I replied. "Well look at that, she old enough to buy us some beer then!" He starts to laugh and Steve and I both just join in. It was clear to only us that Kenny made us very uncomfortable.

Steve and I carried the suitcases inside the house while my uncle just chugged down a beer. When we walked in, the smell of his house was a mix of fresh baked apple pie and cigarette ash. I kindly greeted my Aunt Jeanie with a hug. It never made sense to me how a woman so kind hearted and sweet like her ever married someone totally opposite like my Uncle Kenny. She was a small woman with short hair that she had dyed jet black and had the rosiest cheeks that stood out the most out of the rest of her beautiful features. As much as Steve loved his mother, he thought she was too weak. Which is why she could never grow the strength to leave his father. Steve took my stuff down the hall to his bedroom. The parents decided (since the Randle house only had three bedrooms) that Anna would share a room with Eileen, my younger cousin and Steve's little sister, and Steve and I would share his bedroom.

I remembered my parents arguing in the car...

"Richard, just hear me out! We are better off staying at a hotel instead of interfering with Kenny and my sister-in-law's life!" My mother stated.

"But they are family, sweetheart. Kenny being your brother! The last thing they consider us is a bother to their home. And I know they aren't the wealthiest of folks, but—" He is cut off...

"That's for sure. My brother is a drunk for crying out loud, Richard. Basically a humiliation to us and his own family. Especially my poor nephew who is going to end up exactly like his father, I can bet you not even a dime on that one!" She puts on her reading glasses.

"They clearly want us in their home and I think that's better than a fancy hotel or renting a vacation home." Dad shrugs and tries smiling at my mother.

"It's always about money, you can never think about your wife and daughters! Do you think my girls will be okay in that cramped up household for the next three months?" Of course... she has to involve Anna and I.

"I bet they'll be fine, since they go out more and are more involved than we are. All they have to do is be back for supper and bedtime, right girls?" Daddy asks us.

*Anna and I roll our eyes*

"Yes, Dad" we said.

"Whatever" My mother huffs under her breath.

"I'll just put your stuff on the bed and I'll sleep on the floor" he said. We both took a seat on the bed, "So, when do we oughta take a stroll around this shit hole?" Steve smiled and asked. "Well I don't know, I just got here. Let's just settle down for a bit first and then after dinner we can start heading out." I suggested. "Sounds good to me" Steve said, "Besides, we have the entire summer to do whatever we want and make it ours" He puts his arms behind his head and leaned onto his headboard. I raised an eyebrow, "Like what?" I asked, "I don't know if you are aware of this but, Tulsa used to me my home too" I said. He playfully scoffs at my comment, "Well of course you know the places around here but I'm talking about meeting my friends. You never took into consideration about meeting them before. Like my best bud Sodapop" Steve explained.

"I know Sodapop because he used to go to school with us and I would always see you two walk in the halls together. Of course that was only when you two actually decided to show up to school those days" I crossed my arms. "Besides him, I've never heard you mention any other of your friends... well, especially that Johnny boy. Is it okay if I asked how has he been doing since... well you know" Steve hesitated to respond right away, "Well let's just say, he's handling it better as the days go by. We still haven't found whoever started the fight with him. All he said was he was a guy who was wearing a lotta rings and that's all the information we got. That son of a bitch will eventually get what's coming, whenever we find him." I feel the coldness and dark rage in Steve's tone. It was full of pain and revenge. To change up the subject of Johnny, I asked what were the other names of his friends.

"Well Sodapop gotta a younger brother named Ponyboy—" I cut Steve off, "I'm sorry what?" I tilted my head, "Is that seriously his name" I asked. Steve shakes his head, "Yes I'm serious, his name Ponyboy. His Pa came up with these names, that's what Soda told me." Steve shrugged, "I'll tell ya, man. Kids a real fucking smart mouth but he sure got a tough name." Steve added to what he was saying. "Well props for their Daddy going totally out of the box. What very unique names, and folks always thought my name was strange" I laughed. "You can blame your father for starting that nickname" Steve smiled.

We walked out from Steve's bedroom and into the kitchen where everybody else was. Seems like everyone was getting along and bonding. The dads were being dads and the moms were cooking dinner. While my sister was having small talk with Steve's younger sister in the living room. Eileen was the spitting image of her mother and acted like her too. Shy, caring, and such a sweet girl. Eileen and I never really bonded before, she digs Anna more than me. I was fine with that, as long as I had Steve by my side I was okay.

Hope you enjoyed chapter two. Chapter three and four are better, trust me. Anyway love y'all stay gold!!

𝔰𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 '67 Where stories live. Discover now