𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 32

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We were almost to Windrexville where Pony and Johnny were hiding. I couldn't wait to bring them back home. Dally still seemed unsure of the idea, he insisted on waiting till Cherry testified. I didn't listen to Dal. The boys needed to be home.

"Sure is quiet uptown." I said as I stuck my head out of the window. As I glanced around Windrexville, it seemed like a big town with so little to do with so little people around. I dig it, I just wasn't so used to it being so quiet. "Yeah well that's why this is a perfect hiding spot." Dally adds. I sat back in the passengers seat and pushed the hair outta my face, "Once we get there I bet Pony and Johnny will be dead from boredom." I said giving Dally a smirk.

"Shut your mouth wise ass" He said. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Dally, "What?" he asks. I shrugged to myself, "Nothin. I just think you are so adorable" I said. He rolls his eyes and quickly changes the subject, "We should be there in any minute." he said.

We finally made it to the church and got out of the car. Both Dally and I peaked through the small cracks in the church. I faintly see the boys lying down on some seats. My eyes scanned around the church and then realize both Pony and Johnny sleeping. Dally leaned over to pony and chuckled at the sight of Pony's bleached out locks, "Hey Blondie, wake up!" Dally exclaimed. Dally's voice startled the boys. Johnny rubbed his eyes, "Riz? What are you doing here?" Johnny spoke up. I watched his eyes move towards down to my stomach, my bump began to show through my clothes. "I came to bring you guys home." I smiled. They both glanced over at Dally, confused. Dally scratches the back of his head, "Let's get something to eat, i'm starving."

Dally pushes me out of the church with Pony and Johnny following behind us. We all jump into the car.

We ended up going to a Dairy Queen not that far away from the church. Dallas and I began to bicker with each other. "I just don't trust that broad, alright? Especially after what happened that night between you two." Dally explained. "I talked to Cherry. She was actually trying to help us out here! I know she was telling the truth." I spoke. "How do you know that for sure? She can just be saying that so once she gets up on that stand she can make all of us look bad." Dallas went on. Johnny and Pony quietly listened to us in the backseats. "You have to trust me. Cherry wouldn't do such a thing, she just wants to help. We need someone like Cherry right now." I said to Dal.


"Excuse me?" I say. "I said no, Riz. I don't trust you or Cherry. She isn't going to do shit for us." Dally said. "Stop thinking about yourself for once and think about Johnny and the rest of the gang. Johnny has a chance to be let off. We've been through enough, this is our moment."

Dally went silent. He knew that he was going to lose this battle. Johnny spoke up, "We're gonna go back and turn ourselves in." Johnny says. "I got a good chance to be let off easy. Darry and Soda shouldn't be worrying about Pony."

Dally whips his self around facing towards Johnny, "And if you don't get let off?" he says. "Would it matter? My folks aren't going to be worried about me..." Johnny announced. "Hey the boys are worried about you, man!" Dally shouts. I lean towards Johnny, "Yeah Johnny, he's right. Two-bit wanted to go to Texas to hunt for you guys." I said. Sometimes I think Johnny forgets how lucky he is to have his friends.

Johnny leans back in the seat, "It's the right thing to do, Dally" He said. Dally let out a huge sigh and started the car, "I just don't want you to go through the same thing I went through. Jail can be brutal, man" Dallas explains to Johnny. Johnny faces the opposite way from Dally.

On our way back to the church, no one had spoken to each other. We all just sat in complete silence. All of the sudden, I hear loud screams and cries of people. We made it back to the church and saw people huddled in the front. I then realize the loud screams were young children. I immediately look up at the church. My mouth dropped at the sight.

𝔰𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 '67 Where stories live. Discover now