𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 15

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Dal and I rushed out of Buck's together and headed for his car, the keys constantly rattling in Dally's hand. Listening to crunch of the dirt while leaving a long trail on footprints behind us. I open the car door and plop myself onto the seat, "Is there anywhere you want to head to before we stop by Dar's?" I nervously rubbed my hands on my thighs as they became to sweat and uncomforted me, "Steve's house" we both began to make hard contact with each other, uneasiness rushing through.

Dally cleared his throat, "Are you sure you wanna do that?" he questions. I nodded, "I've got to try, I mean he's my Dad... You know?" Dally sighs, "I guess, I just want to make sure you're ready to take that step. Last night was pretty intense..." I sunk into the chair, "Yeah, let's just do it" I quietly said. Dally turns on the car and pushes down on the breaks. Dally was right, I was so not even close to ready to go see my Dad. I couldn't be more terrified to go over there, stressing over what he was going to say or do to me.

We pulled up into the driveway, I remember the car ride and I remember when we first got here. The crazy thing that it's only been two and a half weeks and I feel like my world has totally flipped upside down. I just stared at the front window, I glimpse over trying to see if anybody was hanging out around the kitchen, "Is that him?" Dally asks, "I think it is" I replied back. I reach the handle and push the door open, "Okay, I'm gonna go in. Just stay in the car and I'll be out as fast as I can" I said. Dally pulls out a cigarette & lights it, "Take as long as you need."

I opened the door and stood through doorway. The house had a warm feeling, I had turnt cold from stressing myself out. The mix between the two, it left  me in a cold sweat, wasn't sure if I should throw on a sweater or take my socks off. Daddy sat at the kitchen table, all alone, and reading the paper. Everyone must've gone out expect for him. I was unsure what to do with myself, I think he realizes it was me but (out of pity) decide to ignore me instead, "...Dad" I say. Not even a reaction of him, I felt so invisible, like I was only a ghost or a shadow. I make my way towards and took a seat in front of him and hunched over, "Daddy, I came here to apologize to you and say my part," I went over to grab his hand but he instantly pulled away from me, I blankly examined his eyes and I was in distraught... Not even a peep from him.

"Please, just listen to what I have to say. I said I was sorry, is that not enough for you?" I wept. I wiped my eyes and banged my hands, "Fine, just abandon me. I have always been by your side. Why can't you do the same for me?" I said. I wanted him to care, but fuck it. I knew what I had to do, just needed the time to get there. I paced into the bedroom and snatched my suitcase that was sitting by the nightstand. I grabbed the pile of clothes and tossed it all in. I came back out with a fully packed suitcase and walked back into the hallway and down to the kitchen, "I hope you're happy with your decision."

I slammed the screen door and stepped down the stairs. I threw my hand over my eyes, don't cry PLEASE don't cry. I was trying to stay strong here, "Maryanne wait!" Dad shouts over from the steps. I turn over, his eyes got doughy and soft like. I scoffed and just turned myself back around to continue making my way back to the car. This is what people would call, Taste of their own medicine...

I threw my suitcase in the backseat, Dally glances over, "Your suitcase?" he asks. I blew him off, "Just drive, please." We pulled back from the driveway and every second we drove further away from the house, the man standing in the front was getting smaller and smaller till he disappears into something non-existent. I will be going the rest of my summer without my family. They only have themselves to blame. Maybe I will be left behind and be on my own.

The rest of the time, I hid my face away from Dally. Not taking my direction off from the window, also not to mention rubbing off the mascara that was dripping down my cheeks. I felt my stomach twist and turn, I reminded myself what my dad would say every time I would end up feeling sick during a car ride. Look up at the high sky and deeply breathe in and out. It sounds really ridiculous, but it worked for me. I gaze up and count all the birds that would fly by... one bird... two birds... three and then a whole flock appeared. By the time I counted up to 23 birds, I could see the reflection of Dally glancing over his shoulder with concern.

"Can you talk to me now?" he pleads. I sigh and look over at him, "Sorry, I just needed some time to think..." I apologized. He grins, "Don't worry about it, I just wanna check up on you." He went over for my hand and held onto it tightly, "Do you have to stay with me for awhile?" I nodded along, "Yeah, I don't think I'll be going back. I've got no reason to stay there." I quietly announce.

We pulled up at the Curtis' house. Everyone was there, the whole gang. I looked like a complete mess, you can tell I was just crying a river. I felt like hiding away from the rest but I didn't want anyone to be suspicious or anything. Darry walked over with a mug in his hands and greeted me in, "Hey Riz" Darry said.He tilted his head and gave me a sad expression, "Not you too" he moaned. I was puzzled. He frowned, "I don't need anymore sad faces in this house, you understand me?" Darry says, "Now, tell me what's up."

I leaned against the wall, "I'm having my own special family crisis going on right now." I said sadly laughing to Darry. I peaked around the whole room. Who else could be upset? Everyone looked okay to me. I turned my eyes back at Darry, "So who's also feeling down today?" Darry uncomfortably smiled at my response, "Mr. Sodapop Curtis, poor kid" Darry says shaking his head. How did I not notice that Soda wasn't even in the room, where could he be?

"Where even is he?" I said peaking over into the kitchen, "His bedroom" Darry sighed. Not gonna lie, it was weird to hear that the happiest person in the group was now one of the saddest.

I made my way into his room, I was too worried about him to knock. Their he was, curled up in a blanket, staring at the wall. "Riz?" He says. I sadly smile, "Yeah it's me, what are you doin in your bedroom alone and in the dark?" He flipped over facing away from me, "Read this" he said. Handing me an envelope. He grabbed from his dresser.

I unfolded the envelope which revealed a single letter inside...
The envelope read:

To: Sodapop
From: Sandy

"Dear Sodapop,
I know it's hard to understand but I'm sorry I have to end it this way. I'm leaving for Florida in two days but when you receive this letter, I will already be gone. I did love you Soda, don't get me wrong, but this was all happening so quick. I am also leaving Tulsa on an account of my pregnancy and I'm sure that you are the father. I should've told you before I left but I was too afraid... Please forgive me Sodapop

From, Sandy"

I put the letter back in the envelope and handed it back to Soda, who was still curled in a ball, "Oh my god, Soda, I'm so sorry." This was totally destroying Soda, I knew how much he loved and cared for his girlfriend. He didn't say anything, you just hear the deep breaths that came from him. I hated seeing Sodapop like this, I absolutely hated it. Seeing a friend in pain sucks, especially when you can't do anything about it. All you have to do is be there for them, that's the best you can do.

"I-I just wanna let you know that it's gonna get better and you know I'm gonna be right here if you need me" I told Soda. He turns his body over to me, "How" he said with pity and disbelief, "How what?"

"How will it get better? I just found out that my girlfriend is done with me, she left the state without letting me know, and now I might be the father of her child and there is a big chance that she might've  cheated on me, I've always been careful. How will that get any better?" He yelled. Soda was heartbroken. He feels like this will never get better but it will, and one day he'll understand that. Experiencing heartbreak is the worse and so sucky, but I know Soda, he is stronger than he thinks.

"Soda, it might not seem like it now, but trust me, all bad things end in good" He looked at me up and down with a frown, "Okay well can you just leave me alone now, please?" Before I could answer, Soda once again wrapped the blanket around him and faced away to the other wall, "No problem" I got up from his bed and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Be careful" I whisper.

Authors note:
Haven't been active for the past six days and I'm truly sorry for that. Just been busy with the holidays coming up. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next will be coming out soon. Love y'all and stay gold for me.


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