𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6

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We arrived at the DX gas station. I've heard the rumors of girls coming in groups and in crowds for Soda but I never really seen it or believed it for myself. Now I did, not even five minutes since we got inside, they all started hollering at Soda to come outside. Both sides both greaser girls and Soc girls, outside waiting in there cars and banging on the window. But Sodapop had a girlfriend named, Sandy... and I wondered how she felt about all this? By the looks of it, I couldn't really tell if Soda was embarrassed or enjoyed it.

"Big crowd?" I joked over to Soda. He shook his head, "This is normal for me" He said chuckling and rolling his eyes. "Soda sees them as just customers, I see them as hot dates" Steve winked. I scoffed, "You're gross" I laughed as I nudged his side. The boys eventually got to work and I would help out if they needed. Whether it was passing Steve some tools or helping out Soda with the register. To be honest, I enjoyed it because it gave me something to do instead of sitting at home to myself.

Eventually the store got a little bit dead and instead of teenager girls coming in and out, it was just regulars. Soda and I shared a magazine to flip through. All we could find was car magazines. Sodapop wouldn't stop yapping about his fascination for cars but it gave me a better idea of what Soda was passionate about. The phone rings and Sodapop turns around to pick it up, "Sodapop Curtis speaking!" He said into the phone. I can hear a girl speak on the other line. "Oh hey you" Sodapop grinned. I instantly assumed it was Sandy calling to check up. He repeatedly giggled and smiled to himself just hearing to Sandy speak, I gotta admit it was cute. After some time Sodapop whispered, "I love you" and hung up the phone.

He jumped onto the counter, took a seat, and let out a big sigh with a grin on his face. I place my hand under my chin and grinned back at him, "Was that Sandy?" I asked being nosy. He embarrassingly rolled his eyes at me, "Yes it was. We were talking about how our date went last night" Soda said. I closed the magazine, "Well I don't need to know all the horny details but how did it go?" I asked. "Riz, it's not like that with her. We actually have a meaningful relationship" He seemed pretty serious about his statement, "Being with Sandy, is like being in a dream and I don't ever want to wake up" Soda said getting all deep and emotional. I scoffed, "Okay Romeo" I laughed. Soda gets off the counter and gets closely to my face, "Alright, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret but you gotta promise me you won't tell anyone" Sodapop whispered.

I nodded my head, "Promise" I thought to myself that it was a bit strange, I've only known Soda for a day. What made him trust me so quickly? Soda smiles, "I think I'm gonna marry Sandy. But I'll probably wait for her and Pony to get out of school first" He admitted. I raised an eyebrow, "You mean when we get out of school?" I asked him concerned. "What Steve didn't tell you I was a dropout?" Sodapop asked nonchalantly. I shook my head no, "No I'm sorry, I didn't know..." I apologized. I shook his head back, "No I didn't expect you to know, besides school wasn't really my thing anyways" Soda shrugged to himself.

"Anyways, so what do you think about that?" Soda asked changing back to the original conversation. I leaned closer to him, "Oh well, I think if you both love each other enough—" Sodapop cut me off "We do" He says. "Then I don't think it really matters what other people think, you guys should be able to do whatever you want when it comes to love" I stated. Sodapop let's put a sigh of relief, "I'm glad you are so understanding" Soda said. He puts his hand on top of mine, "Thank you" He smiled.

Steve swings open the front door and Sodapop quickly takes his hand off. Steve was covered in car grease and filth, "Boss is here" He said wiping his face off. Sodapop turns around and walks away. Steve pushes him to hold him back, "Actually he's asking about you" Steve said looking at me. I start looking at him weirdly and Steve shrugs, "Don't ask me, guess he just noticed you sitting around"

"Am I in trouble?" I wondered. Steve shook his head, "No I highly doubt it" He said. I walk out and next to me was a man in a white DX button up shirt and a cowboy hat. He cleared his throat, "You're Randle's cousin, right?" He asked shaking my hand. I nodded, "Yeah, I'm sorry if hanging around here has been such a—" He started laughing, "Actually kiddo, I was gonna ask if you wanted to start working for me?" He grinned. Out all things, the least I expected was a job offering...

But working with Soda and Steve would be pretty great. I walked back inside and both Sodapop and Steve were waiting by the register, "So what did the big man have to say?" Steve asked and Soda smiled. "He offered me a job here" I replied. "Wow that was nice of him, what did you say?" Steve asked. Sodapop went in the back and we both watched him walk away. We both brushed it off, "I said I'd take it" I responded happily. Sodapop comes back with a hat and a uniform, he plops it on my head and squints an eye, "I was right, fits perfectly!" We all laugh and Soda gives me a side hug, "Welcome to the team, Riz" He said.

After we were able to leave the DX, we all went home to get ready for tonight. To admit I was pretty nervous, this wasn't like me to agree to go to some random bar, and especially with strangers I barley even knew. But I trusted Sodapop and Steve, which gave me the strength to just fuck it and go. None of my clothes were meant for a bar setting but it wasn't like I had anything and Anna would have a fit if I was caught looking through her suitcases. So I pulled out a pink dress with a blue sweater to go over it and some flats. It was the most casual thing I could find, so it would just have to do.

I wasn't sure if I should tell my parents or not about my new job, mostly because it's at a gas station. I think they'd die over the fact that I got a job in the first place. It was mainly my mom I was worried about the most, she'd say, "You don't need a job, you have us!" Which was true but this job was more than money in my pocket. It's a chance to get a sense of independence and freedom for myself. When I was finished getting ready, I slowly walked out from the bedroom to see anyone was around. I notice my father sitting on the couch alone reading the paper. He heard the wood floor creaking under my footsteps and went, "Hey sweetie, how was your day?" Without even looking up from the paper.

"How did you know it was me?" I jokingly asked. I sat next to him and he put his arm around me to snuggle in next to him. "Today was great though it was such a great learning experience to see how Steve fixes cars, it was pretty cool" I explained. "He is a very smart boy" Dad said. "Speaking of how great Steve's job was, his boss kinda gave me a job offering there... and I said yes" I awkwardly grinned and waited for him to respond. The silence was increasing it was almost loud. He took off his glasses and sighed, "Listen Riz, it's not that I don't trust you and I think you deserve to have your own money and experience the world for yourself. I'm gonna say yes and I'll handle your mother" He said. I smiled and pulled him for a hug, "Thank you thank you thank you" I said with glee.

Steve came out from the hall and asked if I was ready to go. I pick myself off from the couch and got up, "Where are you two headed?" Dad asked. "Oh Steve is taking me out dinner to meet up with some old friends from school, is that okay?" I asked. Dad chuckled, "I think it's great, Have fun and be extra careful it's getting dark!" If I told Daddy where I was actually planning to do tonight he would flip, especially if he found out I was going to be the only girl in the group. So best choice I had was to lie. I was pretty good lying to my parents away, as bad and sneaky as that might sound...

Steve and I rushed out the door and headed out to Sodapop's.

𝔰𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 '67 Where stories live. Discover now