𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5

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(Pretty short chapter. Sorry ;))

The next morning;
I had trouble falling asleep. All I had on my mind was Dally and what went down last night at the diner between us. I didn't bother to tell Steve because I knew he'd try to go off of Dally, and I knew that would just make everything worse. It's better off to let the situation go and kept my mouth shut.

I was up and had already finished through my morning routine before Steve even woke up. It was around 10:30 already and I noticed Steve trying to pick himself up. He stretched his arms and back and let out a loud yawn, "Look who's finally up!" I teased. Steve rubbed his eyes and turned over to me with his eyes still closed, "Ugh what time is it anyways?" He groaned. " It's 10:30 Steve, I suggest you get up" He threw his sheets off to the side and steadies himself up, "Shit, are you serious?" He asked in a panic. I showed him my wrist watch, "Aww man, I'm late to work!" Steve shouted. I threw my hands to my hips, "You never said anything to me about work" I said.

"I know I know, and I'm sorry. A lot was going on yesterday and I was too caught up into it. But hey, if you'd like to come you are welcomed to." Steve suggested. I shrugged, "Alright fine I will come. Are you sure your boss won't have a problem with it?" I asked. Steve shook his head, "Nah, you have no worries. He's a good guy when you get to know him" He said.

Steve and I hurriedly rushed down the hallway. On the way out I hear dad call out, "Morning sweetheart" to me. I quietly grunted to myself and paced over to my father and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Mornin daddy" I smiled. Anna comes over and Dad puts an arm around her, "Don't get used to hanging out with greaseballs, Riz" She lurked over to Steve. Steve and Anna never got along because my sister thought he was just a good for nothing hood. Guess that's what happens when you hang around rich kids and my mother, it's like she was brainwashed even though Steve was her own cousin. She was too stubborn to see past the labels, but not me though. Not sure why she gets along better with Eileen and I wouldn't know anyways. "Wow Anna, you know I thought you moving to Kansas would wipe away your annoying piece of shit behavior. But I guess some people never change" Steve sighed, as he attempted to get under Anna's skin. Steve picks a piece of bread out of the toaster.

Anna gasped and Uncle Kenny walks into the kitchen. Casually, he ends up slapping the back of Steve's head. All of us just stood there, witnessing what happened. The moment was so quick, but not quick enough for anyone to miss it. "Don't talk to your cousin like that, and what did I tell you about being such a smart ass?" I could tell Steve was upset and embarrassed. I shake my head and scoffed, "You got a problem?" Uncle Kenny joked. Steve swoops into avoid anymore conflict, "No no there's no problem. It's fine, right Riz?" Steve looked at me with pleading eyes.

"No it's not fine. I just didn't understand why he had to hit you" I shrugged. "Riz—" Dad went. "No, Uncle Kenny what made you think that was okay?" I asked. I saw him starting to clench his fists, "What you gonna tell me how to parent now?" Uncle Kenny questioned. "Of course not. But that was not an excuse to hit him so hard like that. He was clearly making a joke and I don't understand why you think that was right!"

"ENOUGH" Dad said. I felt myself choke on my own words. "Is this how I raised you to respect your adults?!" My father asked. I shook my head, "Then what gave you the right to disrespect your Uncle like that?" My mother and Aunt Jeanie walk in, "What's the matter, Richard?" Mom asked concerned. "Nothing, it's over with" My Dad looked over at her and then back at me. I nodded, "Yes" I quietly spoke. "Good, now apologize" He points over to my Uncle. I gulped, "I'm sorry..." I said walking up to him. He payed no respect in return to even look at me or take the apology. So to get under his skin I whispered, "I'm sorry that you are a lousy father" I saw his eyes widen. Before he could get another word in I turned to Steve and went, "Come on Steve, you're gonna be late" I muttered.

We went out the front door and I slammed it behind me, "You know you really didn't have to do that..." Steve says, breaking the silence. I shrugged, "Somebody had to put him in his place" I said. "But it wasn't worth getting in trouble with your Dad over it" Steve said. "Yeah I guess you're right. Man, if you weren't so stubborn I'd take you back to Kansas with me, where we would both be Jack ass free" I said. Steve chuckled, "Yeah and then meet more Jackasses" He said. I giggled back at his response. Steve and I stopped at Soda's house. On the way there, he was explaining they work at the same gas station and Steve wanted to see if Darry was still home to drive the three of us. Everyone was hanging out inside except for Dally. Wasn't a surprise he wasn't here after how last night went down, so I didn't blame him. But I did wonder where Dallas may have been? Probably plotting my murder right about now. I sat down at the kitchen table as Steve and I wanted for Soda, who was still finishing up getting ready. Guess he woke up late as well.

Sodapop opens the bathroom door, he was admiring himself in the mirror and smiled brightly at his own reflection. "So check this out, how about after work you, me, Two, Dally, and Riz all hang out at Buck's tonight" Soda slicked back his hair and winked at himself. Steve shrugged and nodded, "I'm down" He says, agreeing with Soda's idea. I scratched the back of my head, "Uh what's Buck's?" I chimed in.

"Oh well he's a friend of Dally's, Buck Merrill. He owns a bar downtown" Soda says. A bar? Gosh I wasn't really sure how I felt about that. The only bar I've ever been in was at my mothers assistants wedding reception. But this was probably way different, like the kind of bars you see in motorcycle films. I debated amongst myself, I mean this was my summer and I should get to spend or however I feel like it. New friends, new experiences, and a new me. I didn't want to sound like a debbie downer or a goody two-shoes either, so I agreed to tag along with the guys. Why not? It could be fun.

Soda struts out of the restroom and smirks, "Right on! We'll stop home to get ourselves all pretty and meet back at my house, savvy?" Soda asks us. He then turns around, "I mean... if that's okay with you, Dar?" Darry put his belt around his waist, "I'm perfectly okay with y'all goin out. Just don't get in trouble with any socs or the cops, y'all hear me now?" We all nodded. Darry, Steve, and Soda were finally ready to leave the house and head to work. I got up and walked over to Steve. I was the last one outta the house. "Bye guys, I'll see y'all later!" I said waving goodbye to Two-bit, Johnny, and Pony and they all waved back and smiled.

"Bye bye great granny!" Two-bit chuckled. We all hopped into Darry's truck. Steve and I sat in the back while Soda sat in the front with Darry. As we drove to the DX, we passed by a little antique store my mother used to shop at. I smiled to myself as I remembered all the memories of shopping there with my mother and sister, "So you miss Tulsa?" Soda asked me. I glanced over at him, "I mean I miss my friends and family" Darry made a left turn, "Yeah must be hard moving away" Darry added. "Yeah. But you know, you make new friends and you always keep in touch with family" I said.

Darry chuckles,"True, well here's a question. What's something you don't miss?" He asks. Without hesitation I said, "The labels, I hate that we have labels around here" The labels always got under my skin. There was no point of them. I don't know why people can't just be people! "Yeah I wouldn't miss that either" Soda replied while peaking his head out the window.

Stay gold
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