𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 26

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***Riz's POV***
Before PB & J run away...

As Soda took me back to Buck Merril's place in Steve's car, he kept bugging me about when I'd finally tell Steve everything. "Come on, you gotta tell him eventually. He's your family and I've never hid a secret behind Steve's back before" Soda glanced at me and back on the rode. "Don't you think I wanna tell him?!" I snapped, He kept going on and on. I just had enough of his yapping that I finally had to speak up for myself, "I've never kept a secret from Steve either. But do you have any idea what would happen if I told Steve?" I said to Sodapop.

Sodapop knew exactly what Steve would do if he ever found out that I was pregnant. "I know I know, but I mean this baby is going to grow. You can't just hide from Steve and just say, "Oh yeah i'm just getting fat". We both know Steve is smarter than that, Riz" Sodapop explained to me. I sighed to myself, dreading the fact that I'd have to tell Steve no matter what.

Sodapop parked in front of Buck's. "Thanks for everything, Sodapop" I said. He put his hand on my shoulder, "Of course, I'd do anything to help out a close friend". I stepped out of the car and waved goodbye to Sodapop as he drove away.

Tonight, Buck's bar was open. The bar was so packed that I could barley even get through the front door. The lights were dimmed, I can barley even see. I tried pushing people out of my way so I can get up to my room. I saw Dally playing pool with a couple of guys, he saw me walking over and smirked at me. He leaned his pool stick up against the wall and came over to me. "Thank god you're finally here, doll. I was missing you" he said as he grabbed my waist closer to him. I pulled him in for a tight hug, the tears came back up. I was safe in Dally's arm but I was still terrified, fearing that David would show up again. I finally pull away from our hug and Dally realized the tears going down my face. He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. "Why are you crying, Riz?" he asked me, while whipping my tears away with his thumb.

I just couldn't get the words out to tell Dally. He brought me to the bedroom and sat me down beside him. "Can you please just say it so I can try to help?" Dally pleaded. "Did something happen at the drag race?" he asked me. I nodded my head. "Riz, just try to calm down for me. I need to know what's wrong babe".

I finally catched my breath and calmed myself down. "I ran into an old friend of mine at the race. We were both having a great time and I thought it was so going so well. But after the race was over, as I was waiting for Soda and Steve. Him and I were still chatting with each other and one thing lead to another and he tried to take advantage of me..." I explained to Dally. My breathing was still unsteady, I tried to get out as much as I could. It was really difficult to speak.

Dally went quiet and his eyes went huge. He eventually spoke up, "What do you mean he tried to take 'advantage of you' ?". You can feel and hear the anger building up in Dallas. "He tried to pull my pants down and rape me" I quietly spoke to Dally. "What's his name?" Dally asks me. "H-His name is David Walsh" I responded. "A soc?". I shook my head yes, what was Dally gonna do to David?

"Well, you won't have to worry about him anymore. Besides that, are you and the baby okay?"

"Yeah, I think we're okay" I said, as I moved my hand down to my lower abdomen. Without an answer, Dally pulls me in for a kiss. As he pulls away, he grins at me softly. I've never seen Dally smile like this before, it was warm hearted and loving.

Half an hour later...
***Ponyboy's POV***
Johnny and I ran over to Buck Merril's place. We banged on his door continuously till he answered. Once Buck opened the door, you can hear the loud roars from inside of loud music and folks chatting and laughing with each other. With a can of beer in his hand, Buck glared down at Johnny and I, "Whatta ya want?" he asks us. Johnny gulps, "Dally!" he shouts. He looks back over his shoulder, "We gotta see Dally".

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