Doctor Narcissist

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With the strange and rather useless contraption dealt with, Cheyenne and company charged forward once more, showing off mastery of their new environment and evading the many bottomless pits with ease. Eventually the trio runs under a waterfall and they all slow down to a more human speed to admire the beauty.

"This is amazing..." Cheyenne says.

"It definitely beats going to Niagara Falls." Emily says. "Shall we keep going?"

"Right." Cheyenne replies as they resume their breakneck speeds. Eventually the trio comes across a series of TV monitor-like things. One has a flame, one has a water droplet and the third has a lightning bolt. "What are these?"

"What would happen if I hit one of them?" Devin asks as he punches the droplet one. He is instantly encased in a bubble, yet he can still breathe. Cheyenne jumps on the lightning bolt one and a series of electric bolts encircle her in a sphere formation. Finally Emily destroys the flame one and flames encircle her like Cheyenne's bolts.

"This is cool." Emily says. "I'm surprised that the grass isn't burning."

"I think it's just to protect you. I'm pretty sure fire won't hurt you now." Cheyenne says.

"I'm pretty sure lightning won't hurt you." Emily says.

"And I think I can stay underwater for as long as I want." Devin says. "Well enough talk, let's get going."

"Alright mister hotshot." Cheyenne giggles as the trio starts running again, That's when they cross a bridge and a group of piranha robots jump out of the water and ambush them, removing their shields in the process. "Man!"

"Oh well, I'm pretty sure there are more." Emily chuckles as the trio continues running. Suddenly the trio hears something strange and they all come to a screeching halt. The noise gets louder and louder until finally something comes crashing down behind them! The trio turns around to see a gigantic robot with claw arms and a jetpack in the back, and it's in the visage of a certain doctor. The head flips up to reveal none other than Eggman at the controls, and Cheyenne gives him a death glare.

"What did you do with Jack?! Give him back!" Cheyenne shouts.

"Oh I don't think he WANTS to be back with you!" Eggman laughs.

"What does THAT mean?!" Emily asks.

"Like you need to know." Eggman replies. "I will flatten you!" He shouts as the head flips back down and the giant robot begins marching forward, threatening to crush the trio!

"This guy really does obsess with himself, doesn't he?" Devin asks Cheyenne.

"Sure seems like it." Cheyenne replies.

"I heard that!" Eggman's voice booms as an arm rockets out and nearly shish-kabobs Devin! Emily then takes to the skies as Devin drives his claws into the body of the Eggman robot. "Whoa what the?! What are you doing?!"

"I'm about to steal control from you that's what!" Devin shouts as he manages to reach the head, but unfortunately all of his hard work gets undone as the head flips up and Eggman simply zaps Devin senseless with a supercharged taser.

"DEVIN!" Cheyenne shouts as Devin falls off and just avoids getting pancaked by the robot. Emily then proceeds to fire at the mad doctor, but he simply flips the head back down, deflecting her shot. "Alright you wanna play rough? We'll play rough!"

"What can you do against me?!" Eggman laughs. "Oh this is too much fun!"

"I can do THIS!" Cheyenne shouts as she runs at the robot and jumps! She curls into a ball and starts spinning and she manages to slam into the robot, hard. Eggman is momentarily stunned as he tries to keep balance, and Cheyenne lands on the ground and gets out of the way before the mad doctor can think about squashing her. Eggman then starts trying to knock Emily out of the air, shooting his arms forward and releasing bombs from his jetpack, and that's when Emily gets an idea.

"Time to turn the doctor's weapons on him!" Emily says as she catches one of the bombs and throws it at the robot. The first few bombs only scratch the surface of the robot but one well placed throw from Emily manages to blow the head right off, exposing the doctor! Once he realizes how much danger he's in, he detaches from the robot and flees in his eggmobile!

"You got me this time, but next time won't be so easy!" Eggman shouts before a group of robots flies right into him! Another portal opens and everyone gets sucked in before it closes, including Eggman and the rouge robots!

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