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"Just a little more!" Cheyenne says as everyone manages to get on the same platform. "And there!" Once everyone gets on, Devin and Emily take a look at how far up they are.

"It's best we not fall. Let's get going." Devin says as he notices something on the ground- it appears to be some sort of booster, similar to the mechanisms used on the track. Cheyenne positions herself and then curls up into a ball as the booster propels her forward and up inside the weapons platform. Emily and Devin soon follow and they find themselves rolling their way inside before uncurling and continuing their running. They gain enough momentum to keep to the walls of a strange cylinder and eventually they find themselves descending further into the mechanics of the flying battery and eventually they reach an outside portion of the blimp. Devin and Emily easily fly their way over to the other side while Cheyenne deftly uses the platforms, holdings and anything else she can grab onto, and she gets onto the other side before striking a pose. "That was so unnecessary babe but that was so cool."

"I'm glad you approve." Cheyenne giggles as she and her friends use the booster they saw from before to propel themselves back inside the flying battery, and they come across a series of beetle and mouse robots. The beetles fire off energy blasts from their horns while the mouse robots zoom about, catching the trio off guard.

"Whoa!" Devin shouts as he punches the mouse robots to pieces and quickly does the same to the beetle bots. That's when Emily takes note of the mouse robots and what made them so fast, and quickly puts her brain to use, dismantling what's left of the robots. When Emily's finally done, everyone's shoes have been fitted with a set of rollerblade-like mechanics, granting them even more speed advantages without worrying about tiring their legs. The trio suddenly finds themselves on top of the flying battery as they see propeller blades and how fast the bases are spinning. Cheyenne quickly gets an idea, grabbing on and using the extreme momentum to launch herself a great distance and her allies quickly follow suit. Eventually they manage to reach an area where the doctor is waiting, but before they can try anything a force field traps them in!

"Enjoy your trip! I hope you like tight spaces!" Eggman laughs as he flips a lever and the trio gets sent falling into a dumpster of some sorts. Robot parts are everywhere and an electromagnet is situated above them.

"You know, something tells me he should have realized that I can just shoot this and call it a day." Emily chuckles as she blasts the electromagnet, only for the shots to harmlessly bounce off. "...Or maybe he did realize..." That's when the walls slowly start closing in and the electromagnet creates a robot out of all the scraps. It stands almost as tall as Cheyenne, and it resembles some sort of zombie.

"Whatever that thing is... We can't worry about that... We've got to destroy that magnet or it'll just rebuild itself..." Emily mumbles. That's when Devin pulls out his claws and scales the zombie robot, eventually reaching the head and taking wild swings at the electromagnet. He only manages to get a few hits on the device before it electrocutes him, along with the entire zombie bot. The robot gets reassembled and Devin repeats this process once more until finally the electromagnet gets destroyed, and by the time Devin finishes off the device, Cheyenne and Emily only have a few feet worth of space before the dumpster empties. Strangely enough, instead of being jettisoned out, Cheyenne and company get dumped into another, even larger vat of robot parts. That's when Cheyenne and company realize they've landed in what appears to be a recycling center in the flying battery, with parts ready to be sorted out and reused in newer robots.

"Wow... Eggman sure knows what to do with all this stuff." Cheyenne mumbles, and as soon as she looks at Emily, she notices how much her eyes have lit up. "What's running through your mind?"

"I can surely upgrade and improve our equipment." Emily says as she digs through the practically endless amount of parts. She replaces the claws that Devin uses to scale walls with a set of brass knuckles made of the piranha robot's teeth, allowing him to cling to the walls better, and she improves his wings, drastically increasing his gliding distance. She takes the barnacle robot parts and replaces Cheyenne's ladybug armor, giving her even more defense without costing her any movement and finally she improves her jetpack and gun. The jetpack can now last longer before overheating and her gun has been transformed into the likes of a sniper rifle, focusing an enormous amount of energy and power into one coldly calculated shot.

"You are certainly full of surprises." Cheyenne chuckles. "Let's move on!"

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