In Cahoots

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The biplane performs extremely well with Emily as the pilot, but suddenly a robot appears out of nowhere, apparently having been disguised as a cloud- the magician robot!

"What's she doing here?" Cheyenne asks, but her question is quickly answered as the magician robot summons a group of enemies before taking her leave. A group of vulture bots, a swarm of helicopter robots and a group of flying armadillo robots have taken to the skies to try and take down the biplane Emily is piloting, and the trio acts quickly!

"Cheyenne! Take control! I'll provide cover fire!" Emily shouts as she and Cheyenne quickly switch spots. Cheyenne does her best to dodge the gunfire from the flying armadillos and the vulture charges, and it's not long before Emily shoots them all out of the sky. Eventually the group sees a train below them going full steam, and Cheyenne flies near the ground to see what's going on. The train appears to be hauling cars full of oil and other cargo, and none other than Eggman commandeers the train. Much to the group's surprise though there's no means of self defense, and Eggman doesn't seem like attacking. As a matter of fact Eggman almost seems relieved that the trio has found him out on the tracks. "What's all of this?"

"Those damn robots have been getting on my nerves and they consumed all of my oil so I'm making a little delivery!" Eggman replies. "And as of late that magician has been pestering me! I know we might hate each other, but if you can watch over my cargo for me that would be wonderful!"

"Alright but just this once!" Emily says as she and Cheyenne land on one of the cargo cars, leaving Devin to pilot the plane for now until Eggman can reach his destination safely.

"Considering how long you've been here you probably haven't eaten in a while! Feel free to stop by the saloons when I get there!" Eggman says. "I might be a mad doctor but I'm still a human!"

"He makes a pretty good point." Cheyenne says, and suddenly the magician robot returns! "Looks like we got company! That magician robot is back!"

"Oh no! She's probably after my oil again!" Eggman shouts, and Emily springs into action as the magician summons vulture robots to try and destroy some of the cars! Emily quickly blasts the vulture robots before the magician herself attempts to loosen one of the cars.

"Oh no you don't!" Cheyenne shouts as she jumps at the magician and spins into a ball, knocking the robot out of the air! Cheyenne safely lands on one of the oil cars and watches as the magician robot struggles to regain her senses for a few seconds before releasing helicopter robots! Cheyenne retreats to where Emily stands as she opens fire and destroys the helicopter robots, but the magician robot is far from done as her eyes glow red with anger. Suddenly the magician robot slams her hat on the ground and something huge emerges from the hat! It resembles a humongous pink caterpillar, and it burrows into the ground before leaping over from one side of the train to the other!

"What the hell is THAT?!" Emily shouts.

"Just don't let it destroy the cars!" Eggman shouts. "I've produced this model before! Don't aim for the body or you'll get impaled on the spikes! Instead aim for the circuits on the head! That should shut it down!"

"Thanks for the tip!" Emily shouts as the giant caterpillar emerges from the ground once more. This time Cheyenne knows exactly where to strike as she jumps, and successfully smashes the glass covering the caterpillar's circuitry! The caterpillar emerges yet again, acting more erratically than before, but Emily simply fires her lasers and manages to fry the circuits, shutting down the giant caterpillar for good! Fortunately that's the last that Cheyenne and Emily see of the magician robot for now as Eggman reaches his destination. Unfortunately the whereabouts of the magician robot are confirmed as Devin glides over to them, and the biplane that was being used earlier crashes to the ground in a huge fireball explosion.

"That robot disguised herself as... You..." Devin says to Cheyenne. "I was almost fooled."

"That won't be the last you'll see of her." Eggman says. "Now come on, I imagine you guys are starving."

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