Pollution Master

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The trio ends landing in what they think is an ocean, but the water seems to be fifty shades darker than normal...

"Wait... Is this... Oil?!" Cheyenne asks in disbelief as Devin just manages to get on a platform and pulls the girls onto solid ground. Sure enough, Cheyenne is coated from the neck down in a thick layer of black oil, and Emily just manages to clean out her equipment of the nasty stuff without accidentally setting the entire place on fire. Devin on the other hand has to spin the propellers on his glide pack and dry the oil off his wings so he doesn't get weighed down, and Cheyenne has to make sure the oil doesn't harden and gum up the armor as Emily and Devin vigorously scrub it down to prevent that from happening. Once everyone is cleaned up the trio takes in their new surroundings and they all look in surprise- the trio has ended up in some sort of oil refinery, and all the water around it is black and contaminated with the oil. Toxic fumes puff out of the various refinery buildings and the trio quickly takes off once more.

This time the only robots to be seen are octopus and seahorse robots, but as soon as Emily blasts these robots she sees some good out of them as she notices the shape of the snout on the octopus bot and the material that makes up the seahorse bot fins.

"This looks and feels like mesh..." Emily says as Devin cuts it off the robots and Emily tests the material's breathability by pressing it on her face. "And I can breathe just fine through this... I think this would make a good gas mask if we ever need it."

"Well I would always be prepared for the unexpected." Cheyenne replies as Emily forges respirators out of the parts and hands two of them to the couple before putting one on herself, securing them by tying them on with mesh bands Emily threaded through the masks.

"Alright, let's move out." Devin says as the trio continues to make their way around. More octopus robots emerge to attack the trio, and once they are destroyed Emily makes goggles out of the eyes.

"You can never be too safe, especially around here." Emily chuckles as the group charges on. Various platforms are propelled upwards by bursts of flames, allowing the trio to reach new heights, and the group eventually stops to spot what appears to be a meter droid operating the vents and the flames that propelled the platforms up earlier. It pays Cheyenne and company no attention, but a certain someone does!

"What are you doing here?!" A familiar voice calls out.

"Jack!" Cheyenne shouts as she spots the familiar robot. He no longer has his shield and arm cannon, but he does have claws on his hands and they look ready to slice and dice!

"Why do you insist on calling me that? I am Metal Jack for crying out loud!" Metal Jack shouts. "Whatever it may be, I am going to destroy you!"

"We beat you once, we can do it again!" Emily shouts as Metal Jack charges at them! Devin and Metal Jack clash, neither one letting the other gain the high ground, but the robot gains the high ground anyway as the meter droid works the valve and one of the platforms shoots up!

"Whoa!" Metal Jack shouts as he tries to keep his balance before the platform comes back down, leaving him open to a three punch combo from Devin. Metal Jack is then hit with a mighty uppercut that sends him flying before he takes to the skies and attempts to divebomb Cheyenne!

"I don't think so!" Cheyenne shouts as she dodges out of the way just in time and Metal Jack eats the ground.

"Ugh... Targeting systems currently offline... Need to recalibrate... Ugh my head is spinning..." Metal Jack says as he struggles to get back on his feet.

"Now to finish this!" Devin shouts as he grabs ahold of Metal Jack's legs and starts spinning him around before throwing the robot a la giant swing- right into the unsuspecting meter droid...

"That can't be good..." Emily mumbles as Metal Jack slams into the meter droid, destroying the droid and causing it to explode with such force that the pipes it's working on rupture! Metal Jack lands at Emily's feet and fumes proceed to billow out of the pipes, soon engulfing the entire oil refinery!

"Good thing you made those gas masks and goggles!" Cheyenne chuckles as Metal Jack gets back on his feet and analyzes the damage.

"Ah nuts, the doctor is not going to be too happy about this..." Metal Jack mumbles as he regretfully brings up his communicator. "Doctor, we have a big problem here..."

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