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The portal quickly spat out everyone into the next destination before vanishing, and Cheyenne, Emily and Devin were unfortunate enough to be piled on top of Eggman.

"Ugh... I hate that ruby... Where did it even go?!" Eggman mumbles. "Damn you eggrobos..." That's when Cheyenne gets a good look at who ran into the mad doctor- one of the robots resembles a police officer with a siren on top of his head and a rocket launcher lays off to the side. Another robot resembles a ninja and his sword is not too far from his reach. Yet another robot resembles a king and his scepter isn't that far away either. Another robot resembles a magician and her hat has remained on her head. The last of the robots resembles a knight and a ladybug robot is seen off to the side, struggling to regain it's balance. This one is vastly different from the other ladybug robots that the trio has encountered; it's bigger, it's eyes are an angry red as opposed to the more mellow blue of the others, and when it finally regains it's balance it jumps around on it's single wheel.

"Ow... My head..." Emily mumbles as the humans get back on their feet and the robots recollect themselves. "Now where's Jack?"

"Oh alright, since you're being so persistent." Eggman says as he whistles. Descending from the skies is a humanoid robot, and Cheyenne and Emily look on with horror, realizing who it is.

"No... JACK?!" Cheyenne shouts. The robot resembles Jack, but his body is a dark shade of navy blue. His eyes are a lifeless red, his hair transformed into spikes, and ball joints give him free movement.

"Say hello to Metal Jack!" Eggman cackles. "It was pretty hard to convert him, but here he is!"

"What are your orders doctor?" Metal Jack asks.

"None for now. I just wanted to showcase you. Return to base until you are needed." Eggman replies.

"Yes doctor." Metal Jack replies, his voice void of emotion as he takes flight via jet boosters on his feet.

"So now you know what I did to him." Eggman chuckles as he gets back in his eggmobile, and the robots take off. "HEY! Get back here!" He shouts as he starts going after the robots. Cheyenne and company are left completely dumbfounded before they analyze their new surroundings. The trio has found themselves in a heavily industrialized zone, with factories off in the distance, and the group has found themselves on hard metal as opposed to the soft grass of the previous area. Up ahead are a series of winding tubes and platforms that the trio just manages to get past.

"This place is pretty crazy- what is that?" Devin asks as he notices a pool containing a strange purple liquid. He dips his finger in and sniffs it before turning away and flicking it off in disgust. "Blech! It smells like burnt hair!"

"Ew!" Emily says, but then dips her finger in. "It feels like water though, but much less dense..." That's when something manages to grab ahold of Cheyenne- a tarantula robot!

"AIEEE! GET ME OUT! GET ME OUT! SOMEONE! ANYONE HELP ME!!!!!" Cheyenne screams as she flails around in the robot's vice grip, and it suddenly begins blinking red and yellow!

"I got you!" Emily says as she blasts the robot and destroys it, releasing Cheyenne. Devin catches her and Emily examines the remains of the robot, looking at the abdomen. "Looks like this thing was fitted with a bomb. Had I not shot you out of there it would have self destructed."

"Well at least you shot me out." Cheyenne says as the group continues running around. Eventually they come across a series of winding tubes, and they easily get sucked in and spat out the other end without any issues.

"How we were able to fit in those, let alone get through to the other end without getting stuck, still baffles me." Devin chuckles, but then the group finds themselves standing over a bridge where a ton of a strange blue liquid bubbles underneath. Suddenly a robot emerges from the liquid and encases itself in a bubble! It resembles a crude robot with a sphere body and three points that must control the blue liquid encasing it. Unfortunately after a few bounces the blue liquid falls back into the vat below, and Emily simply blasts a hole in the sphere for Devin to punch and rip out the circuits. As quickly as the robot emerged to attack, it was destroyed by Cheyenne and company.

"Eggman seriously needs better inventions." Cheyenne chuckles as the group continues their journey onward.

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