Just What The Doctor Ordered

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The now group of four moves out, with Jack leading the way to where Eggman is located.

"He's probably in here. I'm not sure what he's done with that ruby, but I know it can't be good." Jack says.

"Maybe if we beat Eggman back to his senses, he'll realize what happened!" Emily says. "But we have to be quick, before he's too far gone."

"Man how times have changed." Devin chuckles. "First we wanted to destroy Eggman, but here we are, now trying to save him from... Himself."

"There's no time for jokes babe, the room's just up ahead." Cheyenne says as the group of four reaches the room. It's initially pitch black, but suddenly the room lights up with orange warning lights going off in all directions, and a siren begins to blare as a strange, egg shaped mech emerges, attached to four strange cables. The phantom ruby is situated in the middle of the mech, and a small window reveals Eggman- his mustache is frazzled and disheveled and his glasses are cracked, and he's laughing manically like a mental asylum patient!

"HA HA HA! YOU WILL ALL DIE!" Eggman screams as he fires off a series of missiles from his mech! They all lock on to the group of four, and they just manage to dodge the barrage. That's when Emily feels vibrations from under her feet and notices something horrifying as she looks at the walls.

"What the hell did Eggman do?! The whole place is shaking!" Emily shouts as Eggman discharges electricity through the four cables. Any attempts by Emily to shoot the crazy doctor are futile as the shots harmlessly bounce off and Eggman turns to face Emily.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" Eggman screams as the mech charges forward, slamming into Emily and sending her flying! Jack quickly catches Emily, breaking her fall, and he fires off one of his wrist cannons, but that barely does anything to Eggman. "I AM INVINCIBLE! I! AM! A! GOD!!!!!!!" Eggman continues to holler out as he fires off even more missiles. "COME MY PRETTIES! TEAR THEM ALL UP!" Eggman yells as a familiar blue police officer robot and green ninja robot emerge, but they look like husks of their former selves. The officer robot is no more than a body with a gigantic rocket pack and the ninja has lost his arms and legs- his whole body now resembles a shuriken and he bounces off with no input!

"We have to destroy them!" Jack shouts. "I'll take care of the robots! Emily, you and the others fight Eggman!"

"Right!" Emily shouts as the trio busies the insane doctor and Jack quickly destroys the ninja robot by slashing him up with his claws. He then dodges a barrage of rockets fired by the officer robot before firing his wrist cannons, shredding up the officer.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" Eggman screams cheerfully as the magician and knight robots emerge. The knight's ladybug ride has been transformed into a powerful motorcycle while the magician has remained unchanged, but the magician demonstrates her upgrades by firing off a series of energy blasts from a wand in her hand. Jack quickly destroys the magician with a few good burst from his wrist cannons, but he's busy dealing with the knight robot, and Emily and company aren't faring any better!

"GAH!" Emily shouts as she and the others are sent flying back by Eggman.

"IT'S NO USE! YOU CAN'T TOUCH A GOD!" Eggman screams as he grabs Cheyenne and throws him straight into Devin, knocking the both of them down. Finally Jack manages to deal with the knight by destroying the ladybug turned motorcycle and slashing up the knight before seeing how much the doctor has done to the trio.

"I got you!" Jack shouts as he attempts to charge at Eggman, only for his mech to discharge electricity through the cables once more and zap Jack for a few seconds before he catches himself. "What's it going to take to destroy this?!"

"I'VE GOT ONE MORE SURPRISE FOR YOU! HE MAY BE KING BUT I AM GOD!!!" Eggman screams as the king robot emerges. His legs are gone but he certainly looks like a king as the crest on his head resembles part of a crown more and his armor resembles a king's robes better. Unlike the other robots he's worried, and it shows as his eyes scan the ground and his whole body shudders.

"I am only following orders, but even I doubt who I follow!" The king shouts as Eggman forces him to attack!

"Even the king's afraid!" Cheyenne shouts as Jack clashes with the king robot.

"YES! KILL! KILL! KILL!!!!!!!" Eggman screams as he watches the king clash with Jack.

"I'm sorry you had to witness this." Jack says somberly as he finds himself locked in a shoving contest with the king. "You didn't know what the doctor was going to do to your friends, did he?"

"No, I did not." The king replies as he pushes Jack back and they enter another lock. "He stripped them of emotion, stripped them of their free will, and I was left with mine so I could witness my fellow robots, my own friends, being turned into mindless killing machines. I never asked for this!"

"Worry not, we have already put them to rest, we have already ended their pain." Jack says as he ends the lock and manages to slash off the king's crest. "I'm allowing you to join them, peacefully." The king then freezes for a few seconds, realizing that despite everything, Jack is still offering mercy.

"Then I accept." The king says as he spreads his arms wide, allowing someone, anyone, to destroy him and put him to rest. "You and your kind always surprise me."

"We are humans after all. Rest in peace, your highness." Jack finishes as he puts a hole between the robot's eyes with his wrist cannons, shutting down the king robot once and for all and allowing him to join his fallen allies.

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