Not Atlantis

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When the trio gets spit out of the portal this time, they find themselves sitting in a small pool of water. There's more water to be seen, and the trio eventually discovers they've landed in some sort of underwater base.

"I hear that this stuff is waterproof, so we shouldn't have to worry about this rusting over. I'm pretty sure there's something in here for you Devin." Emily says as the trio dives underwater. A series of cannon robots attempt to fire on the trio while fly robots attempt to pester them from above the water, but it's pretty futile as Emily's lasers do wonders in making short work of them, and Emily surfaces to collect the fly parts. She then sends Devin down to collect the cannon robot parts, and gets to work. When Emily finishes, she's created snorkels for the trio to breathe underwater, and the trio dives back down, knowing they don't have to worry about drowning. Suddenly a group of shark-shaped torpedoes shoot into the water! They keep a constant speed though and Devin quickly makes short work of them, releasing the animals inside, and Emily takes the propellers and creates a sort of propeller pack- a great impovement to the wings that Devin had been relying on to glide. The pack also does wonders in propelling Devin through the water, and Emily and Cheyenne do their best to keep up. When they surface and reach solid ground though, Cheyenne notices that two small fish robots have latched themselves to her feet, presumably while she was swimming, and they haven't let go yet.

"Get off of me you little..." Cheyenne mumbles as she attempts to kick the little biters off, with little to no success. Eventually she smashes them against the floor, and Emily notices how tough the teeth are as some of them have really dug themselves into Cheyenne's shoes.

"These would make good climbing aids Devin." Emily says as she takes the teeth of the fish robots and forges new climbing aids, replacing his older claws, and Devin demonstrates this new ability by gliding over to a far off wall and scaling it much more quickly than he did before before gliding back over.

"You really know your stuff." Devin chuckles as the group realizes they have to head back underwater and they reequip their snorkels once more as they dive down. This time a jellyfish robot manages to snag Emily's leg and it's about to self destruct when suddenly Devin flies over and punches the robot, making it lose it's grip on Emily and destroy itself on one of the walls. Eventually the group reaches an area where the only way out is up, and Devin scales the walls, only for explosions to rock the entire area and knock Devin off! "Whoa!"

"The whole place is coming down! Quick!" Cheyenne shouts as she, Emily and Devin all manage to escape the crumbling area and they find themselves on solid ground once more. They manage to spot Eggman swimming around in the water up ahead in a special diving suit, along with his eggmobile. Left unattended, Emily hijacks the eggmobile, piloting it around while Cheyenne and Devin dive down to engage the doctor.

"You really shouldn't leave your toys out like that Eggman!" Emily laughs as she drops charges from the eggmobile. She takes care not to hit Cheyenne and Devin with them, but any that hit the doctor harmlessly bounce off.

"I'm surprised at your handiwork Emily! Creating equipment out of my badniks?" Eggman asks as he drops a bomb. Emily then activates the propeller on the eggmobile, creating a whirlpool that threatens to drag Eggman in, but he manages to swim away and Emily stops the blades just in time to avoid accidentally dicing up Devin.

"Hey! Who's side are you on?! You almost killed me!" Devin shouts.

"Sorry! I can't see below me!" Emily shouts back. Devin dives back down understandingly and she attempts to suck up Eggman again. This time Devin holds onto Cheyenne so she doesn't get chopped up, and Eggman is successfully dragged in! Instead of hearing ripping flesh though, Emily hears crunching metal as Eggman's diving suit turns out to be armored, and every last panel of armor gets stripped off the mad doctor before he jetpacks out of harm's way. Once the mad doctor is out of sight, Emily lowers the eggmobile near the water so Cheyenne can pilot it, and Emily flies over to the other side while Devin scales his way there. When Cheyenne pilots her way over to the other side and gets off, the eggmobile simply falls into the water and explodes.

"I'm pretty sure he's got a new one." Cheyenne says. "Let's move out!"

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