Propaganda Massacre

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As soon as everyone manages to get down to solid ground, they take a look at their new surroundings. It's not as heavily industrialized as the city that they were in just before, but there are elements of machinery all over the area, replacing what was supposed to be a series of oriental temples and shrines.

"What on earth did Eggman do this place?" Cheyenne asks.

"The hell do I know?" Devin replies. "No matter, let's blast through this place and destroy it. The only way out of here is to take down the entire building."

"But how are we going to do that?" Cheyenne asks.

"We have to go down, where Eggman's probably kept a ton of this stuff." Emily replies as she notices a bunch of papers being printed, and she catches one of the stray papers and reads it. "What the hell?!"

"What is it?" Cheyenne asks as Emily forces the paper over.

"Tyrant trio destroys flying battery... Tyrant trio destroying badnikkind... Tyrant trio responsible for Death Egg Robot's destruction... Eggman's trying to slander us!" Devin says as he reads the paper. "Who does this guy think he is?!"

"Which is why we're going to destroy this place." Emily says as she and her allies rush through the printing factory, dodging various  compressors, smashing crates full of reputation spoiling papers, and occasionally vandalizing parts of Eggman's printing machinery. This sets off a group of robots, the badniks that were featured in the paper, and they go on the offensive. They are mostly small badniks, ranging from dragonflies, to strange bugs and hopping rabbits.

"Looks like we've set off the security force!" Cheyenne shouts as she and the others quickly engage in combat! Emily takes to the skies and starts sniping the badniks from high above while Devin and Cheyenne get up close. The strange bug badniks release a payload of cryo bombs, nearly freezing the ground fighters, but they are quickly shot out of the sky by Emily, and eventually the group doesn't have to worry about being frozen over. The dragonfly robots are quickly dispatched of, but the rabbit robots leave behind ink blots as the hop around, creating slippery spots and hindering Cheyenne and Devin somewhat.

"Don't worry, I'll get them!" Emily calls out as she snipes the pesky rabbit bots. When the security force is finally dealt with the group continues on, but not before Cheyenne and Devin slip on the ink blots left behind by the rabbits. Fortunately the ink doesn't stain their clothes, but it does hinder their movement, making the soles of their shoes unbelievably slippery.

"I hate this so much- whoa!" Cheyenne shouts as she falls on her rear, her shoes getting zero traction on the ground. Devin is faring a little better, but otherwise the two keep on slipping around and finally, Emily gets the idea of using her jetpack's rockets to vaporize the ink, giving the two traction once more. "Thanks, that was much needed." And with that the group continues to zoom their way around the press. Eventually the group manages to reach a certain part of the factory where the floor is weak. Emily tests the ground, and it seems solid enough, but as soon as she puts all of her weight on the floor it crumbles!

"Oh no!" Devin shouts as he and Cheyenne fall through and land on a series of boxes. This is when the group realizes that this is where all of the propaganda papers are stored, and something emerges! It's a robot with twin ice saws, and two jets of freezing cold air propel the robot around. "I think this guy's the main enforcer..."

"Watch out!" Emily shouts as everyone dodges and the robot shoots it's saws forward, destroying them on the crates. Emily then proceeds to shoot the robot with her sniper rifle, only for the shot to bounce off. "Wait... I might not be able to shoot that..." She mumbles to herself as the saws regenerate and they smash themselves on the box Emily once stood on. "But I'm pretty sure I can punch a hole in that tank!" She concludes as she fires a sniper shot and punches a hole in the tank, causing the robot to lose control and fly everywhere. Eventually the robot itself crashes into the crates and suddenly the robot begins exploding! "Let's get out of here!" Emily shouts as Devin punches through a wall and everyone escapes as the robot creates an explosion so powerful the trio gets blinded with light!

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