Hollywood Chase Scene

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Cheyenne and company get sent through a tube by Eggman into the next area, and they shoot out of a manhole TMNT style. They all strike various poses as they land and they find themselves in a bustling city- skyscrapers can be seen everywhere and buildings show off various advertisements on their TVs and LEDs.

"This place looks so cool!" Cheyenne says. "But then you remember this is Eggman's territory." She says, deflating as she sees the face of Eggman on one of the many TVs.

"Well, no point in mourning about that, let's get going." Devin chuckles. "After all we have our own metropolises back in our world."

"Good point." Cheyenne chuckles as they run around. "Don't you spend time in the city?"

"Sometimes yeah. If a modeling shoot needs me there, I won't hesitate." Emily chuckles as they make their way around the city. Luckily there are no cars to run them over, but there are bug robots that fly up to the trio, but they don't attack. Instead they start flashing their foreheads like cameras, and a small slot dispenses the pictures taken. Emily is completely distracted as she poses for the bugs as they continue to take pictures, and the photos develop instantly.

"OKAY that's enough of that. I think you've had your fun Emily." Cheyenne laughs as Emily collects some of the pictures that the bugs took before Devin destroys them to release the trapped animals inside.

"At least they look good." Emily chuckles as she pockets the photos and continues running with Cheyenne and Devin. An urchin robot floats around, spinning three balls at high speed, creating a rainbow, but Emily simply shoots it, destroying the trapped animal, and a snail robot fires off film stock. Devin gets hit by one of them it leaves behind a nasty slash wound, and Cheyenne proceeds to bodyslam the robot, destroying it and freeing the animal inside. The trio then smashes through a series of shop windows and find themselves inside the shop, but there's nothing of interest. "Man, Eggman's got some trashy style."

"I wouldn't expect ol' egghead to come off as one concerned about that, I mean look at his clothes!" Devin chuckles as the group heads out and continues running. They see a bunch of shop windows just up ahead, but the trio stops as a robot falls from the ceiling. It's not like the others though as it heavily resembles an old hanging microphone, and a familiar song is blasting out of it.

"Oh wait... I recognize this song!" Emily says.

"Oh boy... Here we go again..." Devin chuckles.

"She seems to really enjoy this." Cheyenne chuckles. "Just let her." She says as Emily begins really letting her singing voice shine.

"Baby you're a firework! Come on and let your colors burst!" Emily sings, and the city background almost seems to be drowned out as she continues to sing. Suddenly Cheyenne pulls Emily back and Devin destroys the robot to release the animal. "Oh come on! I was really starting to get into it!" She laughs.

"Well, we do have places to be." Cheyenne chuckles as they smash through the shop windows, but as soon as they blast through, they hear the sound of helicopter blades! Emerging from one of the other shop windows is a helicopter and that police officer robot hangs off the side as three more robots like it emerge! "We got company!"

"Let's bust these guys!" The police robot shouts as one of the other robots tosses it it's familiar rocket launcher and begins firing upon Cheyenne and company in a high speed chase!

"Well he's certainly gone off the deep end." Devin mumbles as they dodge the various rockets and explosions.

"You're under arrest for trespassing, vandalism, insulting the doctor-"

"AH SHUT UP! WE GET IT!" Cheyenne and Emily shout as the robot continues to barrage them with rockets. Eventually amongst the barrage a strange rocket is fired out, and Emily shoots this one. Instead of getting destroyed though it starts flying back at the robot! The robot's eyes comically light up as if in shock before one of the flying robots gets destroyed. Once startled the police robot continues his barrage.

"It's those missiles!" Devin shouts. "We gotta knock them back!"

"I think we already knew that!" Emily chuckles as the police robot fires another. This one gets knocked back by Cheyenne and destroys the other flying robot, leaving just the officer and his helicopter pilot, and he fires one last barrage. Devin punches back the odd missile out, and the police robot realizes that the missile is headed straight for it!

"Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap! Gotta go!" The police robot shouts as he takes off with his jetpack, leaving the helicopter to get hit by the rogue missile and come crashing down.

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