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A/N: Events that is said may be out of order from when they actually took place. I wanted to make sure I included the major things that would have happened between the last time they saw each other
Prompt: Caroline goes missing after her mom's funeral

20 is where I never thought I would be when this happened. 20 isn't the age where I feel like my entire world is crumbling. 20 shouldn't haven't been the number of 'I'm sorry for your lost' or 'Your Mom was an extraordinary Sheriff". 20 wasn't supposedly be the age where I bury my mother. So I sit here wondering when will this all get better.
"Has anyone seen Caroline, I went by the house and looked but she wasn't there and she's not answering her phone"

"Maybe Blondie's just wanting to be by herself for a while"

"Her mom just died Damon I don't think that this is such a good idea for her to be alone with her thoughts right now" Stefan rebuttals

"Have you checked the cabin maybe she went up there" Elena asked

"Yeah I checked and she's not up there"

"You know what I'll call Bonnie maybe she can do a location spell" Elena said


Few Minutes Later

"Bonnie can't track Care's location"

"Ok so Elena take Bonnie you two search here in Mystic Falls and Damon and I will check in neighboring cities"

"Well she always said she wanted to see New York so start there"
Hours Later back at the boardinghouse
"We didn't find her" Elena says coming
through the door

"Did you guys?" Bonnie asked

"Well if we found her I don't think we would be sitting around here with glum faces now would we Bon-Bon"

"Shut up Damon"

"Okay so Vampire Barbie is missing what do we do now" Damon said getting a drink

"I don't now maybe she'll show up later. Maybe she just needs today by herself"

"You know what would be hilarious is if all this time of searching for Blondie she has finally decided to give into the big bad wolf him self and is partying it up with the papa hybrid"

"You think that she's with Klaus?"

"Well I'm no Guinness but...it isn't a far stretch. I mean they did have sex in the woods so"

"Damon might be right I'm going to call Klaus and see if Caroline is with him"
"Stefan! My old friend"

"Klaus, have you seen Caroline"

"No mate can't say I have what is this about"

"She's missing. Her mom just died yesterday and we can't seem to find her and sense you are so good at tracking people we were wondering if you can help us find her"

"I'll see what I can do mate"

"Klaus, if you do find her,bring her home safely"

"Will do"
Caroline's POV

"Bonne journée Madame" ( Have a good day Ma'am)

"Merci" ( Thank you )

After packing up some clothes I decided to get on a plane and just go somewhere. Ironically I landed in the most romantic city in the world but before I left I got a witch to cloak my location so no one can find me. I just want to be alone for a while I don't want to think about anything. I don't want to think about vampires, witches, hybrids, werewolves nothing. I just want to be me Caroline Forbes. After shopping I decided to go back to my hotel room, the penthouse suite. Where I was left alone for the next few hours
"You know? You are a very hard women to track down"

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