SᴏᴜʟMᴀᴛᴇs (1)

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Prompt: Klaus and Caroline find out that they are each other's mate

It is known that everyone has a person. The one that they are destined to be with. Someone who understands and gets them on another level like no other.

As he looked at the moon he felt his claws extend and eyes change as he went from man to beast. All he could think of as he went from man to the wolf was her.....Caroline.
. . .
Caroline had enough. She was tired of it all, being the distraction, the fights and arguments with Tyler, feeling why are they still trying to kill the one person that is able to take them all out in one go. As she sat in the living room on the couch and contemplated what would happen now that her friends were on the search for the cure; breaking from her thought she heard scratching coming from the door. Opening the door she saw this gigantic wolf with black fur sitting on its hind legs and it's head down.
                        .  .  .
"Oh My Gosh" Caroline stood at her door shocked
The wolf looked at her with these beautiful yellow eyes and for some reason Caroline felt that it wouldn't hurt her. Bending down she ran her fingers through the wolfs' fur making it pur and rub its nose against her wrist almost like it knew her.
"This is so not happening. How did you even get here?" Caroline asked out loud knowing the wolf wouldn't respond
As she stopped rubbing the wolf it growled at her. Coming closer and putting its head in her lap trying to get closer.

"Ok, since I just can't let you be out here without the chance of someone seeing you I guess I have to invite you in but can you at least give me some sort of sign of who you are in human form cause this is weird that for some reason I trust you and I don't even know who you are. Except that you seem to be enjoying when I scratch behind your ear"
. . .
Klaus has no idea how he ended up here. All he could think about was her. Not in control of his wolf anymore he let it take over. His wolf taking him to her scratching on the door.

Mate. Mate. Mate.

'Bloody hell'

Klaus thought as he finally regained control of his wolf. He knew about mates and what they symbolized. He remembered back when first was trying to break the curse Esther had placed on him he went to a witch who told all about the men who turned into beast when the moon was full including their Soulmate. How one person alone could make another feel something like no other. How the two can become so connected that they feel each other's emotions and that one person had the power to see right through you. Klaus had never thought much into it because he honestly didn't care too much about the topic and never thought he would find one. As Klaus in wolf form walked into Caroline's house looking for anything that would show her who he was but knowing nothing would be downstairs he went up the steps to her room looking around soon he spotted the picture that he drew her

'She kept it'

Going over to it he picked it up with his mouth going back over to Caroline who was now seated on her bed.

"What are you doing with that?" Caroline said picking up the paper
"Seriously! You've got to be kidding me" Caroline said looking at the wolf realization hitting her
"Klaus." He wolf looked up seeming to acknowledge that he was in fact the all powerful hybrid Klaus Mikaelson
"Seriously!" Caroline said

Klaus came closer to her sensing that she was upset nudging his head between her arms trying to get her to show her face to him
"Stop it Klaus" Caroline said moving the wolf making it whimper stepping back a little. Looking at the wolf Caroline felt unsettled when she saw that the wolf was whimpering at the action she caused so she leaned forward bringing the wolf closer scratching him behind his ears an action he seemed to enjoy.

"You aren't going to go away any time soon are you"Caroline asked making the wolf look up smirking almost giving her a knowing look that it wasn't going anywhere
"You have so much explaining to do tomorrow" Caroline said laying down
The wolf stood over her in almost a protective way watching over her
"You know you don't have to watch over me you can come and lay down if you want" Caroline said moving the cover to make room

The wolf walked over to the other side of the room and got on the bed letting her come closer and putting his body almost on top of her protectively before going to sleep
"Goodnight Klaus" Caroline said making the wolf rub into her neck symbolizing it was meaning to say goodnight as well

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