Jᴜsᴛ A Kɪss ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2: Jᴜsᴛ Aɴ Aғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ

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Just to be clear in case I wasn't no is a vampire, they are all human. I also realized I never gave the law firm they work at a name so it's called Mikaelson Salvatore

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"I kissed him!" Caroline told her best friends Bonnie and Rebekah

"What!" They said in unison

"I kissed him."



The two girls said at the same exact time

"After him and Elijah were talking about the case. He came in and I don't know. I walked up to him and I just did it." Caroline told them as she plopped down on the couch

"Finally!" Rebekah exclaimed

"Rebekah! He's with Camille." Bonnie said

"Ah whatever. That isn't going to last long. The whole bloody city knows that Nik is in love with Caroline."

"This is terrible. I can't believe I did that. I mean all these years we have been good. I am his secretary. Nothing more, nothing less. Sure, we sept together that other time but that was it. I mean I can't get involved with him."

"Why not Care? I mean if you like him then what's the big deal?"

"He has a GIRLFRIEND!"

"That he doesn't love. He's in love with you!"

"No he's not."

"Oh bloody hell, you two are the most complicated will-they won't-they I have ever seen in my life."

"What did he say after you kissed him?"

"Well I kind of high tailed it out of there but he caught up to me before I could leave the building and we had a fight."

"I shouldn't have kissed him."

"Do you love him Care."

"I - I care about him. I mean I've always cared about him. We've been together for more than a decade, how could I not. Do I love him? I-."

Bar with Klaus and Stefan 

"Look Klaus, I know it's none of my business and you probably don't want to talk about it-"

"When has that ever stopped you before." Klaus joked

"What has been going on with you and Caroline. Everyone in the firm has seen it. Every time she enters a room you leave it. Every time you enter a room she leaves it."

"Caroline kissed me." Klaus told his oldest friend as he picked up his cup of bourbon


"It was after the trial was over and out of nowhere Caroline kisses me. It lead me to realize that Camille wasn't the one."

"Because Caroline is?" Stefan asked hoping that his friend would say yes putting everyone else out of their misery and just get together already.

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Than what are you saying."

"I'm saying that sometimes things happen that you couldn't have seen coming. It knocks you into a different life. This is one of those times."

"So you're breaking up with Camille then."

"I haven't decided yet."

"What is there to decide. You just said that the kiss with Care made you realize that Camille isn't the one, so what is stopping you from breaking up with Camille and finally getting together with Caroline."


"Before you say it's because you don't have feelings for her or you don't see her in "that way". I remind you that you two once slept together."

"That's was a long time ago."

"Yeah and feelings like that just don't magically go away. You two are as close as two people can get without being more.  I know that you feel something and maybe that's not love but it's pretty damn close. Figure it out and fix whatever this is with Caroline." Stefan said throwing his money down and walking out

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