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Bold = Caroline
Italics = Klaus
. . .
I thought we had a deal about you contacting me

We had a deal about me showing up in Mystic Falls. This is different

You found a loophole. Good for you. What do you want Klaus

Hello love, it is good to hear from you

Yes well I can't really say the same. Why are you calling me?

Well love would it be so hard for you to believe that I merely missed you

Coming from you....definitely

Well love, I have. It isn't everyday that a former Miss Mystic Falls is sent to distract you why her friends try and kill you

Really because with your track record I would think more people would want you dead

Trust me, they do love but they are never idiotic enough to try it more than once

Well call us lucky....I guess

I guess indeed, so how have you been since our last tyrst in the woods


Well love, after our little catch up you didn't give me much chance to see how you were

I had to save Matt

The quarterback was fine and taken care of. I told you that

Yes...but still, I have been alright busy with school and what not. Trying to dodge supernaturals and what not. How are you?

I am fine

Something tells me that you're not really fine. How is your family, Haley, and your baby

My family is fine. The werewolf is now a hybrid and my daughter she's doing excellent

What's her name?


That's a beautiful name. Just what the Mikaelson's need...Hope

Elijah picked it. How did you find out about my daughter Caroline

Tyler told me.....why didnt you tell me?

Cause love, I didn't want you to look at me any differently than you already do

We are friends Klaus. Friends tell each other things. I could have planned a wonderful baby shower

My apoligies sweetheart, what can I do to fix this

I don't know yet. I'll think of something. So has anyone been trying to kill you

Always Love

Well be careful you can't die because if you die I die

How poetic love, I didn't know you cared so much

I don't. Your the start of my sire line so I can't really live without you

You don't have to confess your undying love to me Caroline I get it

Oh shut up. You know what I meant

Yes love I did you simply can't live without me

If you were here in person I would smack that smug grin right off your face

Are you revoking your ban of me in Mystic Falls?

Wh- No- you said if I gave you my confession you would leave

Yes I did Caroline and as you can see I am gone from Mystic Falls. I hate to cut this so abruptly but I have to go love, my brother is requesting my presents

Alright well I have some homework to finish up. Bye

Bye Caroline



Be safe, remember if you die I will too. I'm not to die...again but for permanently this time

I got it love, I'll be alright

Klaroline OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now