New Beginnings

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"Run through the plan again-"

"Fucking hell we've been through this five times already, he knows the fucking plan-"

"I don't doubt that Katsuki but it's for my own peace of mind-"

Izuku sighed, tuning out Kacchan and Hitoshi's arguing. He turned to Mei and Kyouka who were the only ones doing anything productive in their bunker. "How long do you think we have?"

"Anywhere from five minutes to two days, you know how they are," Kyouka answered, "We're lucky to even have that."

The door opened and in an instant everyone was silent and poised to strike, when Neito's head popped in through the cracks. Everyone breathed a sign of relief.

"We have security measures for a reason asshole."

"Of course of course." Neito entered with his charge, a young teen with long auburn hair and brilliant blue eyes, "But do they really matter when soon they won't even exist?"

Kacchan fumed where he stood, seemingly about to jump Neito, when the young girl spoke up: "I-it's an honour to w-work with you!" She bowed at almost a 90 degree angle.

"Should be us saying that to you little cutie!" That was Mina, what she was doing in the corner earlier was anyone's guess.

"Chou here will be sending Izuku back so we can fix the garbage fire of our post-graduation lives." Neito continued, "How far are we sending him again? Surely the start of our first year will be fine."

"Not quite." Everyone's heads snapped to Izuku who stood and shut the door, "By then everything would already be mostly in motion. If we really wanted to nip the bud, I would need to be sent back no earlier than 18 years - when we were nine. That's when All for One went into hiding after his fight against All Might. And remember, Chou-chan's Quirk is rather unstable, so we should aim a little before then just in case."

"Aaaaaaand done!" Mei shouted, drawing attention to her as she held up her newest 'baby', "This baby should help stabilize the Quirk and make you much less likely to be lost in the time stream and thus up your chances of success!" She then attached it to Chou's arm and stood back to admire her final work, "It's on automatically so whenever you're all ready to go we can start."

Everyone took a second to collect themselves and huddle into a circle in the center of the safe-house, Izuku and Chou in the middle. "Now remember, don't-"

"-Change too much, get All Might killed, have One for All end, die, be incapacitated, reveal too much to too many, fail the entrance exam, get expelled, get caught doing villain and/or vigilante activities, get Kacchan killed, get Mei killed, get Eri killed, get Aizawa killed, get Nezu killed, prevent Eri from being born, spoil any TV shows/games/movies, or become involved with the yakuza. I get it Hitoshi."

"Just wanted to make sure."

"Izuku," Mei started, "Remeber, if you want me to make something for you with minimal questions, turn in form T2-A."

Izuku nodded and stepped towards Chou. "I guess," He smiled the brightest smile he's made in years, "I'll see you all on the other side."

Chou and Izuku held hands, skin on skin, Chou's right with Izuku's right. The support gear Mei made hummed to life as Chou started to glow, the glow slowly spreading up his arm to the rest of his body. He closed his eyes and felt the girl's quirk pull him in, backwards. It felt strange - it wasn't as if it was a physical pull, but more a metaphysical pull. Then Izuku felt his metaphysical self fly backwards through the time stream. He watched as his life rewound before him - the Final Battle, the Fall of Kyoto, the Floods, Invasion Day, the Autumn Murders, when he opened his own agency, graduation, his third, second, first years at UA, training with All Might, the Sludge Villain, the first day of middle school, when his dad went on his business trip, when Kacchan melted his All Might figure, wait too far, too far- when he was proclaimed Quirkless, when Kacchan got his quirk.

Then he saw only black.


I'm in a bed. Was Izuku's first thought when he regained consciousness. I'm in a really soft bed.

He opened his eyes slowly, careful of the light difference between the room and the bunker, and saw All Might's beaming smile on the wall next to him. Recognizing the poster, he shot up and looked around. It was his room. His childhood room. Not many posters, or figures, or really any merch at all. His bookshelf had mostly comic books and kid's books (as well as that old novel his Dad bought. What was it again? Something about Musketeers?), and the old computer he used to spend so much time watching hero fights (specifically All Might's debut) on. Yes, Izuku thinks, this is definitely my room. Then he remembered what he saw in the jump back and - oh no.

Izuku throws his covers off, launches off the bed (Too low, too short, too-), all but throws himself at his calendar and freezes. It's December 12th, 22XX, he's three years old. He was sent back too far.

Izuku sighed, there's nothing he can do about it now, and it's not like he wasn't sent back far enough, he just has extra time to plan things out and do things. Nothing to worry about. Deep breath in, and out. In, and out. There, better. Lets run through things. Him having more time is the most obvious. Seeing Mum alive, seeing Dad at all. No Noumu, they don't exist yet (thank all gods out there). Kacchan doesn't have his Quirk, so he's not an asshole yet. All Might isn't injured. He's still Quirkless, but that's easily manageable. No bullies, hardly any of his peers have manifested their quirk at all actually. Shigaraki is still a kid, should be eight? Nine? Something like that. He currently knows the location of Dr. Tsubasa, also known as Ujiko Daruma. But most importantly: it worked. It worked and he's in the past. He can change things, save people, stop Shigaraki.

"Izuku! Honey, it's time to wake up!"

He turns toward the voice and sees his mother opening the door. He stares at her when he feels tears building, but accidentally lets out a sob. Inko rushes to him and engulfs him in a warm, comforting hug. God, he missed this. "Izuku, honey, what's wrong?"

He melts into the embrace and lets it all out. It takes ten minutes of hugs and soft reassurances from Inko before he manages to collect himself. He sniffs and - reluctantly - pulls back. "S-sorry. I h-had a ni-nightmare."

Inko's face softened at this, "Oh Izu it's ok. Why? I'm here!"

Izuku giggled at this and spoke a childish "Yeah!" Inko's face brightened and gave him another brief hug. "Why don't you freshen up and get dressed? Breakfast will be ready soon and your father should be back with some groceries afterwards. I have to go to work after that, so you two can have a boys day!"

Smiling, Izuku powered through his emotions and bid farewell to his mother, and flicked on the TV. Instead of the cartoons and anime Inko put on before she left, Izuku had the morning news playing. After two stories (both hero fights; the latest All Might fight and the 'new' hero Present Mic), Izuku heard the door open.

"I'm home!" Izuku felt unsettled by the voice. It was his father, he knew, but something seemed a little more familiar about it, like he'd heard it in more recent years, and never in a good way.

"Welcome ba-" As soon and he laid eyes on Hisashi, he went as pale as a ghost. He knew that face. He knew it, and knew it wasn't good. He kicked that face, felt relieved when all life left it. Saw that face on too many battlefields, causing too many deaths - of civilians, of friends, of family. He knew that face and stared wide-eyed at it's owner, colour still absent from his own.

"Oh shit."

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