An Expanding, Complicated Family

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It took a few days, but on Friday night Hisashi brought a very confused, very small, and severed-handless Tenko into the house. Inko was cooking, so Izuku greeted them at the door.

"Dad, is this Tenko?" He knew of course, but he asked this to try and keep up appearances.

All for One nodded. "Yes Izuku, this is Tenko, your new big brother." Seems he's keeping up the act too.

Izuku studied Tenko. His hair was black, but the roots were paling, he still needed lotion and chapstick desperately, and there was still a couple of scars on his face. The clothes Tenko wore were dirty and old, as evidenced by the tears and fraying edges. His quirk was also the more destructive version he started to exhibit after Kurogiri was arrested.

Izuku walked up to Tenko, who was likely studying Izuku too, and tugged on his shirt and gave a blinding smile. "Lets go Tennii! I'll show you around!"

And so Izuku did. He showed him each room and gave an exaggerated, child-like introduction of them all. In the end, the two of them were seated next to eachother at the dining table. Throughout the whole escapade Tenko hadn't vocalized anything, seemingly nervous yet content to follow Izuku and listen.

During dinner, Izuku noticed, Tenko kept staring in seeming awed contemplation at Inko. "Tennii? Why do you keep looking at Mum?"

Tenko violently flinched at suddenly being called out and started constantly shift his wide eyes from one of the others at the table to another. "U-um." He sounded slightly panicked, Izuku noted.

"Y-you don't have to tell me if you don't want, I mean I was just curious! You just seemed to be staring really intently like you knew her prior or something. Really, you don't have to say if it's something you're not comfortable in sharing-" Izuku started to try and reassure and potentially calm Tenko. It seemed to have worked somewhat.

"She, um, looks like my grandmother, kinda." He said in a meek voice, eyes hidden by his hair as he stared at his lap.

Izuku's head whipped to his parents so fast a small wind blew part of Tenko's hair. His eyes narrowed at his dad slightly. "Your grandmother you say? Was she a hero?" He said in faux excitement.

Tenko visably relaxed after a second or so after there was no reaction from either adult in the room about Izuku's comment. "Y-yeah, she was a hero. I only know because of the picture my f-father had. She had yellow gloves an-and a white cape. A really bright smile too."

Izuku's eyes narrowed further, thankful Tenko wasn't looking. Hisashi was starting to fidget (it was hardly noticeable, in fact, Izuku was sure his mother hadn't noticed at all). "That sounds like Titania. She's be the right age to be your grandmother too; she had some sort of float quirk I think. But she was incredibly strong too!"

Tenko whipped his head up to stare at Izuku in awe (he knew about his grandmother!), but what surprised Izuku and broke his glare at his father, was that Inko sat there gaping at him too. "I-Izuku, honey, are you sure it's Titania?"

"Mhm. I'm sure. Not many heroes that old had white capes. Most went with bright colours, like blue or green or orange. Not many had white on their costumes. Though Titania and her friend Gran Torino were notable exceptions. We can always look at pictures later, if you'd like. From what I've seen of her though, she does kinda look like you Mum. Especially when you have your hair up in that bun you like. I think she died about 30 years ago? Something like that." If anything, Inko's eyes widened further at this.

"Mum?" Izuku voiced in concern. "What's wrong?"

Inko snapped out of her daze and cleared the table of the dirty dishes. "Why don't you go look for pictures on the computer now honey? Tenko-kun can help verify too."

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