chapter 7: first day of school

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Dacoda's POV:
I'm sleeping in my bed dreaming about my first day when I hear tapping on my dollhouse and it's my momma saying "it's time for school!" She says with excitment. I get my clothes on amd head to the car. Chleo and Neko are riding with us too. I am then given to Chleo being told that she will be in charge of me since we will both be in 5th grade.
Chloe's POV:
I am given my nephew and I put him in my short pocket as big sis says to not lose him and make sure he stays safe. We then get to the school with big sis saying she loves us. The teacher then calls me up and have Dacoda introduce himself.
Dacoda's POV:
I get super nervous and I shyly say "my name is Dacoda and I was adopted by Chloe's sister. Some of the kids liked me others thought I was stupid and shouldn't be here. (Timeskip to lunch) we sit with some of Chleo's friends who all want to hold me but are told no because she doesn't want me hurt. Chleo shares her food with me and we have a nice lunch. But then as the light behind me darkened the one kid Zoey pucks me up with out permission and blows me off her hand making me fall towards the ground before I faint I see a red paw but I didnt know who's.
Violet's POV:
I am working at the office when I get an email saying to come to the school its am emergency. I grab my car keys race to the car and head straight to the school. "Hope my son is ok." I say scared and hope he is ok.

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