chapter 30: the break up part 2

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Violet's POV
I came up with a plan to make her jealous. I grab Dacoda and My brother and I go to tiny territory and have him hook up with another tiny temporarily. We hide and watch what happens.
Dacoda's POV:
Momma explains the plan but I think it's not gonna end well but I go with it. I meet this other tiny who looks like she doesnt want to do this either. We then go to where luna is and act like a couple with me saying "thanks for going out with me." As I see her walking we follow her. I see her open a door to see a better looking guy amd I over hear her say "so glad I ditched my last boyfriend he was nice but such a wimp I would have dumped him in person but those dumb giants would kill me." I get filled with rage amd walk over to her with the girl that was with me ditching me. I say to luna "hey so you think it's funny to break my heart and lie to me I thought we had something special but you are just a big stupid clod." She then looks at me and says "at least he isnt a stupid baby who needs giants to baby him 24/7 while you are so stupid you probaly would be killed without them giants and leave my site you waste of space." I run away crying and Momma sees this amd trys to hold me but I lose her and wind up lost in giant territory when I see someone familiar.
(Note: hey guys hope you enjoyed part 2 sorry it took a little but I was stuck on an idea for the plot but shoutout to my one co worker for giving me this idea see you all on the final part of this arc)

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