chapter 33: 1000 view special

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Dacoda's POV:
I wake up to see a flash of light and when it cleared I was in some other guys house when I hear typing to see the guy writing about my life as if I'm just some character in a story. I then walk up to him asking him what is going on and he looks suprised saying that he created my life with me saying "if this is true then why do you male me get into all this trouble." He responds with " it makes you seen more adorable and it felt like a good plot."
19dkline's POV:
I see my creation talking to me and I explain to him how everything that has happened to him I did for a reason and I told him about how in this world giants dont exist and tiny humans dont exist either. "So what we dont exist we are just pawns in your story?" He says as he snatches my phone and changes the story but it starts ripping both worlds apart.
Dacoda's POV:
After realizing what I have done I hand the phone to 19dkline as he tries to fix what I did but before he could he got disintegrated and it's up to me to fix everything as I do I see my family on the other side being destroyed but I fix everything just in time. Reality restores itself and 19dkline tells me that he enjoys making the stories and I should not think about it.
19dkline POV:
I then make sure everything is normal and I say ti myself "I hope to see you again my creation"

giantess reverse adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now