chapter 22: date/sleepover

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Dacoda's POV:
I wake up to my phone going off when I see a text on it that says "hey Dacoda it's me luna, I wanted to know if you would go out with me tonight and if I could sleepover at your place. Momma then comes over amd I explain everything to her.
Violet's POV:
I walk over to see my son texting someone and he tells me its luna and how she not only wants to go on a date with him but also sleepover. I give him my approval and he asked him he would want to have dinner here and he asks luja who says sure.
Luna's POV:
I take the metro to the giant territory to see Dacoda there waiting for me with his mother. She picks us up and puts her in her short pocket where then we fall asleep as it will take awhile to get to the house.
Violet's POV:
I look down to see them sleeping in my pocket thinking how adorable they are together. I than go into the driveway with Titan barking at the door. I wake the 2 lovebirds up and they jump onto Titan.
Dacoda's POV:
We wake up as I see Titan amd I tell Luna it's ok as we jump onto Titan who takes us upstairs as luna prepares the dinner which osnt to hard because it's for tinies. I show her where I sleep and she is shocked how big it is. A few hours of talking momma calls us downstairs as I call Titan and we rode him downstairs. We then see a small pizza as we sit across from eachother and I tell her how great it is to live here. After dinner momma turns on a movie about a group of heroes stopping a guy from erasing the galaxy. She then falls asleep on my shoulder as my face turns a deep crimson red as momma sees this and giggles. After the movie momma picks us up and put us in the dollhouse ready for bed.
Violet's POV:
I see Richard's face turning red as I know what's going on as I start to giggle. I pick them up gently so I dont wake luna as I put them both to bed.
(The next morning)
Dacoda's POV:
We wake up as I call for Titan and we head downstairs where momma was waiting as we headed for the metro as I said goodbye to luna saying she had fun as me and momma head home.

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