chapter 8: a trip to the nurse

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Dacoda's POV:
I wake up on a pillow in the nurse's office and I see my momma with tears in her eyes happy that I'm ok. Then Zoey walks in being g forced to apologize. As the principal walks in he says "I am sorry this happened to you amd that girl right there is being expelled for attempt of murder and would you like to press charges?" I tell him "no because she probaly was just jealous of me and I cant blame her."
Violet's POV:
I hear my son say why he doesn't want to press charges and I respect his kindness. "You can take him home early amd I'll give him the rest of the week off so he can relax." (The principal said nicely.) I then carefully pick up my baby boy and put him in the car seat I bought him. I then see my sister come in apologizing for letting this happen and I tell her it's not her fault. I then stop at a fast food restaurant to pick us up some lunch with Dacoda sleeping calmly in the car seat. We get home and I wake him up for lunch.
Dacoda's POV:
I wake up to the smell of burgers amd fries as we dig in I get full pretty quick. She then goes on the couch, turns on the tv and cradles me at her chest as I fall back asleep to her heartbeat.
Violet's POV:
I try to hold back saying awwww so I wouldn't wake him from his nap. Later I get and put Dacoda on my pillow as I hear the doorbell ring. I open it to see not only my parents but also my brother who all heard what happened. I tell them he is upstairs fast asleep. They all come in and sit down asking if he is hurt or anything. I tell them he is fine and just needs rest and then ask who is gonna watch him while I'm gone and I say how I have an idea.

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