Chapter11: the sleepover

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Dacoda's POV:
I wake up early being excited and I use momma's phone charger to get to the other side to the bed as I go up towards her ear I calmly tell her to get up. She wakes up saying " what time is it and how did you get on the bed." I then say it is 7:30 and that I used her phone cord as a zipline.
Violet's POV:
I wake up hearing my son's voice and I am suprised that he was able to make his way over here. I tell him not to do that again and next time to wait until I'm awake. We then get dressed, eat breakfast then go to my parents until tomorrow.
(In the car)
Dacoda's POV:
"Momma are we there yet I'm bored." I say extremely bored. "Just 5 more minutes until we get there." Momma says calmly." Momma then hits the breaks as we get there and I see grandma and grandpa sitting out front as we come out of the car.
Violet's POV:
We stop at my parents as Dacoda is jumping up and down in my shirt pocket being all excited. I tell him to settle as I pick him out of my pocket and give him to my mother telling her to be careful with him as I bring his dollhouse in and set it in Chleo and Neko's room. I then kiss Dacoda goodbye amd tell him I will be back for him at 12.
(A few hours later)
Dacoda's POV:
After eating dinner Neko picks me up and sets me on her lap as the 3 of us watch dino orb X. Chleo and Neko both argue about holding me so I pull out my phone to call Granada amd grandpa to the room for help. They come in and tell the girls I am not a toy and they should just set me on the bed. I then get tired and ask Neko to put me in my dollhouse for the night. While carrying me Chleo opens the roof to set me in as I fall asleep.
(The next day)
Violet's POV:
I arrive at my parents house to pick up Dacoda as he is eating lunch with Chleo and Neko. I tell him it is time to go because he has school in the morning so I pick him up and take him home.

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