chapter 26: the convention

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(Note: sorry I have been gone for so long I had writers block and could not think of anything but I'm back now)
Violets pov:
I wake up looking at the calender realizing today is the tiny convention. I walk over to Dacoda and tap on his roof waking him up for the convention.
Dacoda's POV:
I wake up hearing a tapping noise to see its momma talking about some convention. I ask her what that is and she says "it happens once a year where famous tinies come to the convention hall and think it would be good for me to go for inspiration. We then pull up as we head through security.
Violet's POV:
We head through security when the one gaurd asked me " excuse me ma'am all tinies that aren't started guests must wear a lead at all times." As he hands me a lead and Dacoda looks ar me scared and I say " sorry kiddo I promise we will take it off after."
Dacoda's POV:
I walk in uncomfortably wearing the lead as I see a bunch of manga and anime artists. I then hear a familiar voice and turn to see Richard and Sarina who is here for the same reason as me. We hang out for the day while meeting some anime and manga artists. But then we are shaken to the ground by huge foot steps when a huge need walks up to us and tries to grab us as we run back to our moms with him chasing us.
Violet's POV:
I see the boys running as me and Sarina pick up our kids wondering what's wrong as we see some guy chasing them. "Why are you chasing our kids!!!." I ask angrily. "I wanted them for my collection I own a bunch of exotic pets and I will buy them off you." He said rudely. We call security and he is taken off the premises for attempt of kidnap. We then take our kids home and try to make them feel better after this whole situation.
(Hey guys again I am sorry for not doing anything for a while I hope you enjoyed this part)

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