chapter 27: Thanksgiving special

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Dacoda's POV:
I wake up hearing mom saying "get ready we are leaving for grandma and grandpa's in a hour for Thanksgiving." I quickly get changed and call Titan to go down stairs. I then get strapped in my car seat with Titan sitting next to me. We then make it to my grandparents and they say how we are the first ones here and she tells momma to put me in the living room to stay safe.
Violet's POV:
I go and set Dacoda on the coffee table and Titan sleeping on the couch. I then hear the doorbell which sounded like thunder as Titan stands in front of me. The door opens and I see uncle Jordan, aunt Chloe and aunt Neko. Chleo and Neko walk over to pick me up when Titan starts barking at them to get back.
Neko's POV:
Titan barks at us and Dacoda tells him it's ok as I then pick him up telling him happy Thanksgiving. Not long after somebody arrives that Chleo and I haven't seen in years our 2nd cousin Mewni. She then looks at Dacoda and screams saying "what is that filthy parasite doing in this house."
Dacoda's POV:
I see a woman who screams at me as I panic and curl up into a ball in fear. Momma and Jordan walk in and explain everything and she is very upset about this amd says how my kind are wild animals amd should live outside where they belong. She then points at me with her finger dangerously close to me while saying all of this and I being threatened I decide to bite her finger in fear and everyone looks at me in shock. "You see told you they are vicious." Mewni says in a cocky tone. Momma amd Jordan say "well you did frighten him amd got your finger close what did you think would happen." Jordan says how she was always full of hot air. We then get called in for dinner with me coincidentally next to Mewni who then says "you let that thing eat at the table." She then picks me up amd places me on the floor telling me to run along as I for once in my life speak up for myself saying "Listen hear I may not be a giant like the rest of you but at least unlike you these people made me fell like part of the family while you treat me as I'm nothing more but an animal so how about you be a mature adult and be accepting for once.
Violet's POV:
I look at him shocked that he stood up for himself like that and say "Dacoda I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself and knowing we accept you. As I see Mewni try to smack Dacoda out of my hands jordan grabs her one arm twisting it while saying "you have 10 seconds to get out of here before we call the cops." She then leaves saying "Dacoda won't be here forever and I will make sure he doesnt return." We then brush off what she says and the rest of thanksgiving goes great we are Turkey and watched the parade. At around 10 Dacoda falls asleep on Chleo's lap as I gently scoop him up and head on home.
(Hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving special and on a more serious note can you guys please stop harassing me about my story being similar to Richkid33 if you would read his story you would know we gave eachother permission to use each others content so just please for those harassing me please stop I work hard on these stories so please just appreciate it.)

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