chapter 25: the sister final part

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(Hey guys this is the conclusion of the sister arc I hope you like it I think this will be good hope you think so too)
Richard's POV:
I see how she cut carrie's finger as I get enraged and go at her while Dacoda has a plan as he grabs a pencil to use as a weapon. Sola then grabs me saying "so long weakling." As she is about to finish me off Dacoda comes in blocking the attack and fightin her off.
Dacoda's POV:
I see her about to kill richard as I run in pencil in hand fighting her off asking her why she is doing this and she says "it's because of you that our parents are dead." We keep exchanging blows as she then says "you will pay the price for ending our parents." I try to convince her she doesn't have to do this and that she can change. She says "you're a liar and that as soon as I let my gaurd down." I tell her "sis come on I have never lied to you just please stop this madness and you can join the family. She loses her balance and just before she falls I grab her hand saying " come on sis I can help you we can work through this together and I wont let you die." She them looks at me straight in the eye saying "hmph maybe if you are happier here maybe your better without me." As she let's go of my hand smiling being proud of my new courage. "NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I says she plummets to her death.
Sola's POV:
As I fall to my death I land on something soft and furry to look behind me seeing the one called Jane looking at me. I then make my way back home telling my brother I was wrong about him.
Dacoda's POV:
As she says goodbye I hug her and surprisingly she hugs back as she heads off. Sarina then calls Violet and explains everything and let's me sleepover since it was the weekend. I then hang out with the girls and Richard for the weekend.

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