chapter 29: the break up part 1

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Dacoda's POV:
I wake up realizing it's been a month since ma and luna started dating so I go to turn on my phone when I see I have an unread text from luna saying "Hey Dacoda I know we have been together for a month but I just dont fell comfortable being in the presence of giants so I'm sorry to say I'm breaking up with you but I hope to still be friends." I curl up into a ball and start crying after thinking it's all my fault we are over.
Violet's POV:
I wake up and go to wake up Dacoda when I see he is already awake and is crying and ask him what is wrong and he says "L-Luna broke up with me." I hold him to my chest and comfort him saying that everything is gonna be ok. I then tell my brother what happened and he says he has an idea and will explain late which has me both curious and scared and tells me to meet him at his place in an hour.
(Time skip activate)
Dacoda's POV:
We arrive at uncle Jordan's place and I am shocked how big his place is. Momma sets me on the kitchen table as Jordan motions her to the other room where I can't hear.
Jordan's POV:
I look at my sister and tell her my plan to cheer him up where I ask my friends little sister if she would date him and Violet says "that's not gonna work it will only remind him of Luna who may I mention broke up with him this morning." I look at her and ask if she has any better ideas and she tells me that she might have an idea.
(Note: hey guys I have another 3 parter for you so what do you think Violets plan is leave a comment with your guess down below.)

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