chapter 35: the finale part 2 doomsday

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Dacoda's POV:
Richard and I were able to find Shiba in a bar basement as we see him as he claims to his minions that holy water hurts him. As we are then spotted by him amd puts us in a cage. "Why are you doing thos Shiba why?!" I ask being angered at him.
Shiba's POV:
The one tiny asks me why I am doing this and I decide to tell them my story. "I was a normal jackalope I was abandoned and abused but no one ever came to help me I was then saved by a shadow that made a deal where if I let him stay in my body I will survive amd gain untapped power I then vowed to kill anyone that isn't a shadow creature." The other tiny named richard tells me I dont have to live like this and that there is someone for everyone but i know that's not true. As some more people barge in.
Violets POV:
We arrive where they said they were amd we barge in as Sarina and I go to free the boys as his minions attack us. I manage to free them and they sneak to the machine that will do all this damage.
Shiba's POV:
As I see them on the machine and I go to press the button when they try to stop me but I manage to push the button as the machine starts to glow and shoot a purple beam into the air.
Dacoda's POV:
As we are about to be destroyed a white light grabs the 2 of us and we fly into a wormhole  wondering what is going on.
To be continued...........

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