chapter 28: snow day

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Dacoda's POV:
I wake up with momma telling me that there is no school today due to snow and I jump up and down in excitment. She says that she still has to still work so I'm going to grandma and grandpa's for the day. I call Titan and hop on his back as we rush to the car. As we make it to grandma and grandpa's mom realizes she left her work stuff at home so she quickly drops me off and rushes back to the house. I then see Chleo and Neko outback sledding and ask my grandparents if I can too and they agree to let me.
Chleo's POV:
Grandpa out carrying Dacoda completely covered to keep him warm and asks me to watch him as we go sledding. "A-are we gonna sled now." I nod my head as I sit down and put him on my lap and tell him to hold tight as we go down the hill really fast. After a hour of sledding we decide to go build a snowman where Dacoda sat on top with Titan next to the snowman.
Dacoda's POV:
I was enjoying myself then we hear grandma amd grandpa calling us in to warm up as we sit in the couch I start to cough and sniff constantly as my grandparents hear this and take me to the bathroom and use the tiny thermometer to check my temperature to see my temperature is normal and relize it's just a cold. They then give me a drop of cough medicine which is more than enough for my height.
Neko's POV:
I see grandma carrying Dacoda and they say he has to stay in because he has a cold amd I can see the disappointment and sadness in Dacoda's eyes I then decide to stay inside with him and I go to my room and get some movies and Dacoda Chleo and I sit there for the rest of the day until Violet came to pick him up and heard about his cold. Dacoda climbs on Titan and they head home.
Violets POV:
As we drive home I stop by the pharmacy and pick up some medicine for Dacoda. We then drive home and I set Dacoda in bed to let him rest until dinner.

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