Walking home

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(A/N: Guess who's back, back again)

Kirishima POV:

Bakugou touched my shoulder.
"Didn't you hear me? I said come on."

"Mhm." I didn't really make an attempt to respond.
"Mom! I'm leavin' now! Put my curry in the microwave while I'm gone!"

Bakugou's mom peeked around the kitchen door.

"Right. It was nice meeting you Kirishima! I hope you'll come around more often." She said.

I simply nodded. Moms are nice. I really like the thought of someone supporting you and helping you when you're sad or lonely. Mitsuki is a great mother.

We headed out the door. It was freezing and I could hardly walk.

"Which way is your shitty house then?"

I cant let Bakugou walk me to the door. My dad will answer and he has no shame with beating me while others are around. Since I'm so late, he'll be fuming.

"Left." Is all I say. That's basically it anyway. Just down the street. I'll come up with an excuse for Bakugou to leave in a while.

"Really fucking specific. Tch, lets go."

He walked ahead of me. I was falling behind.
My legs hurts.
My face hurts.
My head hurts.
My lungs hurt.
Everything hurts. And it only hurts more because all I can think about is my dad.
It's like my body is trying to stop me from going home.

I feel bubbles make their way up my throat as the last of the oxygen left my lungs. Bubbles floated up and up, all the way to the surface.
My legs were hard to move, the faster I tried to go, ate the slower my body went.

It all feels to heavy. I can't keep myself up any longer. Before I know it, I'm on the ground.




"Don't bother."


"What's the point?"

"Hey! Can you hear me?!"

"Your going to get hurt anyway."

"Come on!"

"Stop trying."

"Wake up! Shitty hair?!"

"Don't struggle."

"Listen to me!"


Air suddenly entered my lungs. My eyes shot around the place.Who is here? Who's touching me?! Stop! Stop!

"Hey, hey, calm down. Can you hear me? Can you see me?"

Everything is blurry. "No."

"Look. Right in front of you. You can hear me, yeah? Just look, just look."

"Bakugou?" My voice was wobbly.

"Yeah. Look."

Everything suddenly went into focus.
It overwhelmed me.

"No. No, I don't like it."

"It's just me. Calm down. Do I need to call an ambulance?"

"No hospital."
What was I saying? It doesn't feel like me.

"Ok. Was it a panic attack? Is that a regular thing? Or maybe your wounds got infected, lemme see.."

"No! Don't touch!"
Why am I always like this?
Why does this happen?

"Okay, Okay, I won't."

Bakugou was silent for a moment.

"Get on my back. I shouldn't have fucking let you walk, especially since you don't have enough energy. Thats probably the root of the problem."

"Can't... can't.."

I don't have any words left.

"Ok, I'll help. But ya gotta be still."

Once he had me on his back he started walking.
How will I stop him from bringing me to the door now?

Why did this happen now?
My freak outs are rare and would only happen in privet. Why did I let it get to me? Why did I leave it in?

"This way, right?"

I didn't respond and hid my face in his jacket.

He sighed and kept walking.

"Number of the house?"

I tried spacing out, but he keeps asking questions.


"About time."

My house was number 22. But I know that our neighbours are usually out of town in fall.

He walked my to the steps.

"I can go now."

"Right. Does your parents- or parent know your coming home at this fucking hour?"

"Yeah. It's ok."

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow. With shitty school 'n all."

"yeah.... bye." I mumbled.

He finally left. I was hardly able to drag myself home, but somehow I was at the door.
I considered sleeping outside, and face him tomorrow, but if I do it'll only be worse.

I opened the door, hoping he had drank so much he passed out.
It was quiet.

The door suddenly slammed behind me.

"Where have you been?"

[Authors Notes!]
Sorry for the short chapter!
(And not sorry for the cliffhanger lol)
I'll post another part in a few hours, like I promised, so don't worry too much about the cliffhanger (I'm just kidding you should)
Anyways, see you soon!💖

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