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TW: ⚠️ (violence, blood, homophobia)

Bakugou POV:

"Yo Ryan!" I yelled at him once I saw him in an empty corridor, still stapling things to the wall.

"Oh, Hey Bakugou." He said cheerfully. That fucking bastard. I'll kill him.

"We were just looking at this wall. It's a shame, who would do something like this?" He said innocently.

I felt a small tug on my hand. Kirishima pulled back a little, signalling me to leave. As if.

"What the fuck it wrong with you?!" I screamed at him, shoving his shoulder.

"Woah, no need to take this too far Katsuki-" he smirked.

"Don't fucking call me that!"

Kirishima squeezed my hand. "Bakugou We should go-"

"As if I'm letting him get away with this bullshit! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS SHIT? I TOLD YOU TO FUCK OFF!"

Ryan laughed.

"What? I thought the red head was the only f*ggot at this school! Don't tell me you guys are fucking!" He and his friends cracked up.

Kirishima hands shook. "Please Bakugou-"
He tried and failed to pull me back.

"Look at this loser. Scared out of his shit. Grow some fucking balls-" he yelled at Kirishima.

I threw my fist across Ryan's face again.

But this time, I didn't stop.

I took his collar, beating him into the ground.

"Get-get the fuck- off me! Do something!"Ryan yelled at his friends.

They couldn't get me off him and went to-

"Drop Ryan. Fucking now! He's gonna fucking pass out." I tuned their voices out.

Until I heard Kirishima.


I turned around.

Those fuckers had him against a wall.

"Get off of him, you fucking- ack-" Ryan grabbed my neck and pulled me backwards

"You think you're just g-gonna get away with that yeah?? You bastard, it was just a little fun."

My anger peeked. I pulled his hair until he let go. Once I got up, Kirishima was on the ground, surrounded by his own blood.

"W-we didn't mean it! We thought he'd run it's not our fault!" Ryan's friends said, fear showing on there faces.

Ryan got to Kirishima before I did. "Listen, you apologise to me, and I'll get him go-"

"Like I'd do that."

"You're choice." He smirked and pulled his fist back. The force of the punch knocked his head against the wall.

"You fuckin-" before I could finish I was on the ground.

My mind started to blur, I could hardly see,
Everything started to go quiet. Until I hear a scream.

"Get off me, bitch! Fu-"

Kirishima was still on the ground, but he pulled Ryan's ankle, making him fall.

Ryan went down. "You asshole, now you fight back! I know you're still a fucking coward!"

"What is going on here?!" A teacher separates us, but Ryan's friends just ran.

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