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TW:⚠️ (slight homophobia, bulling, reference to self harm.)

Bakugou POV:

"Friday. About fucking time. Uugh, my back feels like shit." I groaned. Just one more day till the weekend.

Kirishima started following me to school.
I don't mind-
I mean, if he gets into trouble, I'll be there cuz I'm strong and shit, a-and he's weak.

"What are you doing at the weekend?" Kirishima said quietly. He seems to have a naturally quiet voice.

"Eeh? Play video games and maybe watch a movie."

His eyes filled with curiosity.

"The movie is new I think. A superhero movie, so I'm gunna watch it... I think it's called something something Crimson Riot-"

"You're seeing the new Crimson Riot movie?!" So much for a naturally quiet voice.

He blushed madly and covered his mouth.
"E-erm..." he turned his head away, looking embarrassed.

"Crimson Riot fan, huh? Who woulda guessed it?"


"You're going to see it too then?"

"No... I'll wait till it's online or something."

"Like illegally stream it on those websites with a million porn ads?"

"W-well.. not illegally..."

"If you say so. But doesn't that kinda take from the experience? You're a huge fan right? Why not see it in Cinemas?"

"I'm saving up right now.."

"Then I'll pay."

"W-what?!" I didn't fail to notice a spark of hope in his eyes.

"It's airing on Sunday right? I'll take ya to see it. I have plenny of money." That wasn't really true, but I have a decent amount.
"But I don't like cinema food cuz they always try to rob you with that overpriced bullshit. I'll sneak in tons of shit myself."

"You don't have to do that! I'll watch it online like I sai-"

"And I said it would be better in the cinema. I don't wanna walk in by myself, I'll look lonely 'n shit, and you wanna see the movie. It works out."

"Thank you- I'll find a way to pay you back once I'm back to work."

"I told you I'm basically rich right. I don't want your filthy money."

"Thank you."

"You already said that." I mumbled. "WHAT?! WERE ALREADY AT SCHOOL?!" The fuck? I thought we were miles away. I don't wanna deal with class.

"Whatever. Imma skip."

"Skip? Like.. skip class?"


"You'll get in trouble."

"Good. Can't wait to see that teachers pissed off face. Well, I'll skip the first two classes. I'll be back for break and shit so they don't call my parents. See ya."

He waved and I started down the street.

A movie...

I noticed how shitty hair looked guilty for me buying tickets for him, but he looked so happy at the same time. He doesn't smile often.

I walked into a nearby supermarket to get gum.
My mind trailed back to the other night.

"I'll teach you how to swim."

Underwater (kiribaku/bakushima)Where stories live. Discover now