Fucked up

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I slammed the door.

"Katsuki! Your home! Did you bring your little friend?" She smiled looking through the kitchen door into the living room.

"He's not my fucking friend!" I yelled. My mom frowned.

"I made your favourite curry and just wanted to ask about your day, and this is what I get back?" She said, looking irritated.

"Holy shit, shut uuup." I groaned.

"Katsuki, What have I told you about that!"


She stomped over to me.

"If you think I'm going to tolerate that for one second, Bakugou Katsuki, you have another thing coming. You walk in door, and all I do is ask about you and your friend, then you yell at me, use terrible language and all after I spent hours cooking your favourite meal! You're so selfish! And now you're going to explain yourself. NOW."

".....he's not my friend." I said, not listening to what she was saying.

"And that's what you take away from what I just said! I told you to explain yourself, and you better do it before I walk into that school and tell the teachers how you act at hom-"

"I'm not fucking five."

"KATSUKI!" She yelled and I knew I was in trouble.

"Alright. I lost all my friends." I admitted, feeling pathetic.

"What?" My mom said sadly, instantly calming down and coming to sit on the couch with me "But you and Kirishima got along so we-"

"Not him! He was never my friend!"

My mom frowned.

"You're talking about that trouble-maker, aren't you?" She said.

"He's not a trouble-maker... well..."

"Katsuki, I thought you grew out of this! I thought you grew out of hanging around with people just to make yourself look good."

"I don't-"

"Come on now, honey. What happened?"

"So," I started. 'How do I explain???'

"Y'see, they kinda target this one kid in particular-"

"Target? What does target mean" I heard the worry seeping into her words.

"Y'know.... go after-"

"Like bully?" She looked worried.

Oof. There's the word.

"Well not really more like...y'know like... how... yeah, bully." I sighed.

Disappointment grew on her face. "Oh Katsuki, please tell me you didn't..."

"Well. They hurt him really bad this time." She winced at 'this time.'

"And he was late to work and really desperate, so he tried to scratch Ryan, and whenever they beat him up, he never really does anything."

I saw my moms expression go blank. I think she knows.

"So I stepped in and told them to stop,"

She seemed overwhelmed with relief.

"That was the right thing to do-" I cut her off.

"And then I turned to him," I started fidgeting not wanting to say the next part.
"And I told him that now I was friendless, just like him and that he couldn't stand up for himself and that he's pathetic and threatened to beat the shit out of hi-" I rambled.

"Katsuki..." I look up to see her face. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"Please don't tell me it was Kirishima..."

I tried to speak but the lump in my throat stopped me.

"I- yeah. Yeah, it was Kirishima."

She took a deep breath, obviously fighting back tears.


"Please don't talk for a moment, Katsuki."
Her voice wobbled.

"That's why he was here the last time then? Because you and your gang hurt him? Could he even defend himself? He's so small and skinny. How could you do something like that? With an entire group of people, just for your own personal gain?" She sobbed.

"I didn't beat him u-" I tried.

"Then what did you do?!" She accused, looking at me disappointedly.

"I laughed. And..." I trailed off, knowing I was making things worse.
"But I bought him here-..." I tried to redeem myself.

She sniffed. "You did bring him here. And I was so happy to see you be so gentle with someone, I had never seen that before!" She cried. "You were so nice to him and he seemed so fascinated by you. You even took him back to his place! He was so kind and seemed so nervous, and now I know why.
You didn't do anything while they were hurting him, did you? And why not? Cause- cause you were afraid to lose those idiot 'friends' of yours."

"I wanted to stop them-" I said, only to be cut off.

"The why was there blood dripping from his face when you brought him here?"

It was my turn to be silent.

"Do you have his number?" My mom said, wiping her face.

"....no. Why?"

"Find him at school tomorrow. Tell him to walk home with you and bring him here. You and me will apologise formally and you will ask if he will stay for dinner."


"No buts. And I know I don't control you, but I recommend avoiding this 'Ryan' kid and his friends. Now go eat your dinner, I'm going to fix my mascara."


I really fucked up...

[Authors Notes!]
Agaaahhghsggjj I'm sorry about the short chapter! And for posting so late!
I hope you enjoyed, nonetheless.
My book seems to be getting more popular, and I CANNOT thank you enough!! Really, it means so much to me ;-; 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😔

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