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(Sorry for short chapter!)

Bakugou's POV:

Kirishima was awake all night. I woke up at 2am to my phone beeping. I swiped the notification and switched my phone off. When I faced Kirishima again, his back was turned. He usually likes to cuddle up close to me... strange. Was I because of what I did? Did I scare him away?

I sighed and kept eyes on him and noticed one of his hands was over his mouth. How did he fall asleep like that? I noticed how his shoulders moved a little every once and a while. They were hunched too. Is he having a nightmare?

"Kiri? Are you okay? Are you asleep?" I whispered. His shoulders hunched more.
He's awake.

I pulled his shoulder. He turned over to face me.

Tears were dripping down his face.

"Shit! Kirishima are you alright!? What's wrong?" I whisper-yelled in alarm. His hand was still over his mouth and he shook his head.
He was completely silent.

Why didn't he wake me up? Why was he crying so quietly? Did he not want me to hear?

"Kirishima, talk to me. What's wrong?" I said quieter, pulling him closer. He cried quietly into the crook of my neck.

He started mumbling something. The only word I could pick up was "Ryan."

"You has a nightmare about Ryan?" I asked, putting the pieces together in my mind.

He waited a moment before nodding. I pulled him onto my lap and drew circles on his back to help distract him.

"Hey, let's play a game." I whispered into his ear. Kirishima sniffled. "A game?" His voice was raspy from crying. I pushed away the pain in my heart and continued.

"Yeah. I'll draw shapes on your back, then you guess what they are. I used to play this all the time." I soothed, gently pulling my fingers through his silky hair.

"Why?" He asked, looking confused.

It's because my mom used to do it whenever I cried. She would distract me with the word "game" and the slow patterns on my back always made me drift off the sleep. It was also a way of making me think positive by drawing funny and happy pictures.

"Just to help you calm down." I said.

"Okay..." Kirishima's voice broke every time he spoke. I'll fucking kill Ryan.

I started off drawing a simple picture. A small happy face. "Can you guess what it is?" I asked.

"A smiley face?" Kirishima seemed a little confused with my choice. I mean, I'm not really a "smiley face" kinda guy.

"Yup, that's it. You got it right." I praised. Kiri seemed happy that he got it right.

I made the pictures a little more complicated and felt Kirishima's body grow limper in exhaustion. "Okay what was that one?" I smirked.
Kirishima giggled. "Crimson Riot?"

"Ding, ding, ding! You got that one right too!" I laughed. I continued to draw pictures. Kirishima was completely calm. Soon enough, I heard soft snores.

I smiled down at him and tucked him back into bed. He stirred a little bit I managed to keep him asleep. Kiri cuddled up close to my chest, snuggling into the warmth. I wrapped my arms around him.

Shit. I really like him.


I woke up to my mom bursting into my bedroom. "Wake up boys, it's Christmas Eve!!" She screamed.

Kirishima bolted up, breathing heavily.

I clutched my chest. "ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCKING KILL US?! I THOUGHT I WAS DYING!" I wheezed, completely out of breath.

"Oh, come on~ get in the Christmas spirit!" She danced around happily.

I rolled my eyes. My mom left the room, and I could already smell breakfast. Kirishima cuddled close to me. "Don't wanna get up..." he mumbled. I laughed at him. "Come on, sleepy head. Your hair is all over the place." I ruffled his fluffy hair. Aaahh, so cute!

Kirishima blushed. I chuckled at his red face.
"Let's get breakfast. And it's Christmas Eve. We'll do something fun together!" I cheered, trying to encourage him to get up.
Kirishima stayed put.

I sighed, entranced by his adorable face. "Fine. You can sleep for five more minutes. Then we're going." I said sternly. Kirishima was very satisfied with this and snuggled into my arms, making the cutest smile in the history of smiles. I wanted to stay like this for longer...

"Okay ten minutes!" I yelled.

"I thought it was five-"

"Nope, ten minutes!"

[Authors Notes!]
I'm sorry for only 750 words, I was playing with my kitty! Thanks for reading, and see you tomorrow!💖💖💖

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