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Bakugou's POV:

I resisted the urge to walk right in there and comfort him. My brain kept saying: he needs you. But I knew what that wasn't the truth.
What he needs is to be able to trust others and talk about what happened.

I calmed myself down a little, the switched on my earphones, low enough to make sure there isn't a problem with Eijirou, but high enough to distract me.

Surprisingly, the hour went by quickly.
I twitched when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I looked up to see an older man, and Eijirou behind him. He's cheeks were pink-tinted from crying.
"Hey, how'd it go?" I asked, shooting out of my seat and pulling my headphones out.
I could tell he didn't want to talk about it with others in the room.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Aino. Nice to meet you." He smiled as he gave me his hand.
I shook it as he bowed. "Likewise."
That came out ruder than I thought it was going to.
"I'll see you both next Thursday. Have a nice weekend."

I was basically dying to leave, wanting to know what made my boyfriend cry.
Our hands intertwined and we swing them a little, Eijirou looking down, blushing.
"Well, how did it go?" I asked.
Eiji looked at me and smiled. "He has a cat! Her name is Aikyo! Isn't it funny? Aikyo and Aino?" He smiled a little.

"Well they sound like they would be nice." I replied, catching onto his joke. Eijirou giggled.
"They are."
But I wanted to know a bit more than just names.

"What did you talk about?" I was expecting Kiri to go quiet or avoid the question, but he didn't.
"I introduced myself. I told him my age, name, interests. I told him about you, and he said you sound really funny!" He giggled more.
I screwed up my face in fake anger. "Oi!"

"I told him why I'm here," his face dulled a little. "But didn't really go into detail. He let Aikyo sit on my lap, too." Forcing a smile, Kiri gripped my hand.
"I heard you crying.." I mumbled a little. Though, thinking it over, I probably should have kept it to myself.

"Ah..." I could hear him swallowing. "It's scary. Talking about things. I don't really wanna remember... Katsuki?"
My eyebrows furrowed. "Yes?"

"I'm really messed up, aren't I?"
I held my breath, feeling terrible. "Of course not! You're not messed up, just... just..."
As I was trying to think of words, Eijirou's face got more and more miserable.

"You're just! You... need a little help right now.
That doesn't make you any less to me. I love you, anyway. You'll always be there for me, so I will for you. Simple." I got embarrassed at my own words and looked away.
Until I heard Eijirou crack up laughing.

"O-Oi! The fuck are you laughing at?!" I screamed in embarrassment. Kiri giggled and let his head fall onto my arm. I reluctantly pat his head, still feeling all fluttery.

"Thank you, Katsuki. I think I feel better now."
He laughed, though there was a tiny hint of sadness in his voice.

"You will." I mumbled, kissing the top of his head.


"Hey, Eiji!" I greeted, as Eijirou jumped into my arms. I spun him around.
"What did you learn today?" I asked, holding his hand and leading him in the direction of the Café.

"Dr. Aino gave me these!" He said enthusiastically, brimming with pride as he showed them off.
I took a closer look. "Rocks?" I questioned with a half-smile.

"No, not rocks. Crystals!" He bounced a little, letting me hold them.
"Crystals? What do they do?" I asked.

Eijirou loves to talk about all the things he does in his sessions, so I always make sure to ask about all the details.

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