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(TW: ⚠️ Slight reference to rape, blood, mention of violence.)

Kirishima's POV:

".... ha.... b....?"

"I.... f.... ous....."

"So...... h...ve..... m...y?"

"N...- ... ill....t!"

"Wor....! How...... co.... expe.... y?!"

"Ple.... sto.."

"... m.... mon.... ing... st...p!"

"It... urts.... he... baku..........."

"..... .... .......... .. ...."


Bakugou's POV:

"Mom!" I screamed, bursting through the door.

Where is she?! Where the fuck?!

Kirishima was losing consciousness.
"Stay awake. Please stay awake. It's okay, be calm, just stay awake for me." I said to him.
He looked like he couldn't see me. He looked like he couldn't see anything. His eyes just stared through everything.

I ran up the stairs, into the bathroom.
I was going to set him on the floor, before I remembered how cold the tiles were. I pulled out a towel from the bottom drawer and set him on it.

I ran the water in the bathtub.

That immediately got a reaction from Kirishima.

A sob broke through. "N... no.. no.... please.... no-" He cried weakly, trying to get away.

"No, no, Kirishima stay here. I'm just going to run water to clean your wounds.."

There's so much blood....

It's scaring me...

I filled the bath up to about five inches before switching off the tap.

"Okay. Kirishima. Can you take of your clothes-"

Kirishima turned his head away, crying harder.

"No- no. Pl... s don't take of.." he chocked.

"It's okay." I said, coming closer to him and running my hands through his hair. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. It's alright. You can get in with your clothes on, it's fine." I whispered to him.

He still wouldn't look at me, but he didn't struggle or disagree.

I picked him up bridal style and gently sat him in the bathtub. He whimpered and tried to get out, but I tried to make him stay. "It's okay Kirishima. I'm just going to wash the blood off. It'll only be a few minutes. If you feel anyway uncomfortable, tell me to stop and I promise you I will." I said. He cried but nodded his head.

I picked up a jug and filled it. I checked the temperature, just in case it burned him or was too cold. I held his hand with mine, not letting go for a second.

I poured it onto the back of his head, making sure it didn't get near his face. He shivered and his grip tightened on my hand. He sobbed a little more.

"Shh, it's okay. You're doing great. You're doing so good, see? It'll be over before you know it." I tied to comfort him.

I moved the jug to his shoulders, it was hard to wash him through his clothes, but I put Kirishima's sense of comfort before everything else.
The last thing I want to do is make him feel violated.

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