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Bakugou's POV:

"What do you mean?" He asked, avoiding eye contact. Of course.

"I mean, what happened between you don't Ryan? What did you do to make him hate you so much?" I said sternly, sick of his excuses.

"Hate me? I don't know what you're talking about." Kirishima mumbled, sitting on my bed and folding the clothes that were left there. His hands were shaking.

"Tell me. You trust me, right?" I asked, sitting next to him. Kiri fiddled with the clothes, unfolding and refolding over and over again.

"Yes..." he whispered, shaking. "Bakugou please, I don't wanna talk about it right now." He was getting desperate.
I wish I saw that sooner.

I grabbed his wrists and he winced. "L-let go...!" The red head whimpered. He pulled back a little, only to have me tighten my grip on him. "Bakugou..!"

"Tell me! Don't keep shit from me!" I knew what I was doing. I knew it was wrong. I knew I upset him. I knew this but I kept going.

"I don't know what you want me to say...! Let go, please, please! I'm scared!" He yelped, trying to squirm his way out of my grip.

I just want to know... I just want to know so I can help you...

"Just Tell me!" I shouldn't have yelled. I didn't mean to be so loud.

Kirishima burst into tears, trying to hide his face in his shoulder. He was shaking so hard it was difficult to concentrate on him.

I dropped his wrists quickly.
"Shit! I'm so sorry, Kirishima! I-I didn't mean you make you cry! I'm so so sorry!" I apologised frantically. What have I done?

I tried to pull him closer but he kicked me away. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He sobbed, trying to get away from me.

The fear in his eyes. He looked at me with pure fear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I apologised back, trying to keep my voice low knowing loud noises scared him. I knew that. So why did I...

"I'm so sorry, Kiri. It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm so sorry for yelling, I was being stupid. That doesn't make it okay. Just breath. I'm sorry." I kept my distance, knowing sudden contact would make him freak out. He was on the verge of a panic attack I don't want him to zone out and stop breathing again.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered. I waited until the room was quiet. He sniffled every so often.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm so childish..." he hiccuped.

"No, Kiri, no you're not. I'm sorry for doing that to you. I really don't have an excuse. I'm sorry." I said. His eyes finally met mine. They dropped back down to the floor before they came back up again.

I stayed still, letting him decide if he wanted to come to me. I sat on the edge of the bed, Kiri in the other edge. He wiped his face and scooted closer to me, flinching a little.

I smiled softly to show him it was okay. He scooted a little closer. I waited patiently.
Patiently. That's the first.

He ended up right in front of me. Kirishima waited before touching my arm and pulling it away again, testing the waters.

I felt immense guilt.

He came closer again and rested his head in the crook of my neck. His body was still tense.
"I'm sorry I scared you. I never wanted to scare you. I don't want to, ever again." I said quietly, stroking his hair.

"'S fine." His voice cracked. I rubbed soothing circles on his back. He relaxed a lot more.

"I trust you." Kirishima said. It caught me by surprise. "I trust you a lot. I get scared a lot because of things that happened. I overreact sometimes. Because I'm frightened easily. I have seen things I don't want to talk about. I can't. I'm not brave enough. But I trust you. And I'll let you know when I'm ready." Kirishima relaxed more, leaning into my touch every time. "I know you won't hurt me. But in a way, I'm still trying to figure things out. I'm a little confused right now. I forgive you."

I pulled him closer, feeling tears form in my eyes. "Thanks, Kiri." I mumbled.

"Are you crying?" He asked, pulling away.

"No." I said under my breath as I took a deep breath, blinking back tears.

Shit. Why am I crying? I never get upset over anything. I can't tell if I'm crying from guilt or the sound of kirishima's voice. It's sounds so painful.

"Don't cry.." he whispered, looking up at me. He guided his hands to my face and touched my cheek gently.

"I'm not cryin'. 'S fine." I said, as my voice wobbled. Why. Am. I. Crying?!

Kirishima leaned forward more, resting a hand on my arm. He scooted forward until out faces were just inches away. "Kirishima?"

He nuzzled his face into mine, which made me blush more than I ever had.

"Kirishima?! What are you doing?!" I yelled. Soon I was laughing. So that's what he was doing. I pushed him away, laughing. He kinda brightened up the room.

He smiled, looking proud of himself. I noticed how one tooth stuck out over his bottom lip near the corner of his mouth as he smiled.

I ruffled his hair. "No.. hard feelings?" I asked.

He shook his head. "None."
I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey," he spoke up again. "Do you want your Christmas present now? It's only three days away." He smiled.

"Huh? No, I'll wait till Christmas Day." I said. Why now?

"But I won't be here then?" He looked confused. But I was probably more confused.
Not going to be here?

"Why not?!" I asked, feeling disappointed.

"Because it's Christmas." He said simply.
This confused me even more.

"But you always stay at my place. And your dad doesn't even celebrate it! Why not stay here? With us? I'm sure your dad wouldn't mind." I argued. I really wanted Kirishima to stay for Christmas. I was looking forward to it!

"Yeah, my dad doesn't really celebrate. But that's not my point. I'm here all the time. And on Christmas? I don't wanna intrude... I'll feel guilty..." he mumbled the last part. Guilty?!

"What?! No, we want you to stay! My mom has a place set on the table for you, why would you think you're not welcome?!" My parents love Kirishima and were practically begging me to ask him to stay.

"But... won't you get sick of me..?" Wha?!

"No, of course not! I love yo- having you here! I loooove having you here!!"




"You do?" Kiri asked, bottom lip jutting out a little.

"Yes. Me and my parents love having you around! So you better stay. Or I'll walk to your place at six in the fucking morning and demand you come." I yelled stubbornly.

Kiri seemed a little touched by this. "Thank you Bakugou..." he mumbled, blushing.

He's blushing! Aaaahhhh!

I mentally shushed the voice in my head.

"So, don't give me my present now. Give it to me then." I said, a blush spreading on my face too.

Kirishima giggled. "Okay."

[Authors Notes!]
Aaaaahhh, my mom just got me a kitten as an early Christmas present!
I'm really happy! I have wanted one for so long! He is a small black cat,
and so fluffy! I was very happy today and turned my angsty chapter into something a bit more fluffy! Thanks for reading this chapter!
See you tomorrow!💖💖💖💖

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