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I woke Kirishima up at 6am.

Let's just say he wasn't too happy with me after that.

"Bakugoooou... let me sleeeep." He whined, turning over and burying his head into his pillow.

"C'mon, get up. We have to-"

"I don't waaanaaa...." Kirishima was pretty persistent. But I'm Bakugou.

"You asked for it." I smirked.


I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. He was pretty light... I'll worry about that later.

"Gah! Put me down! Please, Why do you always do thiiiiis...."

"You promise you'll get up?" I grinned. Kirishima pouted at me, still struggling to get out of my grip.

"....fine!" He gave in and I put him back down.

"You have to stop doing that... what time is it?" Kirishima was trying to get used to the brightness of the room.

"6am." I smiled, ready for him to throw a tantrum.

"Wh-? Why are you waking me up at six!" He looked baffled, since I usually let him sleep in.

"It's Christmas." I said blankly, waiting for him to catch on. I could practically hear the cogs turning in his brain and then click.

"It is?!" He screamed. I put my hands over my ears, shooting him an irritated glare.

"Nooo, it's Halloween." I rolled my eyes.

Kirishima ignored me and kept ranting about how excited he was. I sighed.

"Then why don't we go downstairs?" I suggested.

"Oh, yeah!"

I forced back a smile. He looks so happy.

I picked up the blanket I keep at the end of my bed and wrapped it around his shoulders. He thanked me and we made our way downstairs.

My mom and dad were sitting on the sofa.
"Wow, you lazy asses got up before I did? That's a first." I mumbled, still feeling tired.

"Watch your mouth! Now get down here, we're exited!" My mom beckoned.

I blushed a little, feeling kinda embarrassed for some reason. Kirishima took a seat on the couch and watched me happily.

My parents handed me gifts and I actually thanked them. Crazy, right?

Most of the presents consisted of clothes(probably from my mom), there was CD's too. You may think that's useless, because there's apps for that, but I like owning them, too. There was All Might merch, figures. Headphones, because my mom knows how much I like music. There was even tickets to a concert I was looking forward. A bunch of other little things.

Though, I don't like being all "grateful", I let it slide because it's Christmas.

Kirishima clapped his hands happily and congratulated me. My dad put a few pieces of wood into the fire while my mom went somewhere.

"Where's mom going?" I asked. My dad shot a look at Kirishima and winked at me. I caught on quickly.

"Woah, that's so cool Bakugou." Kiri sat next to me as I showed him what I had gotten, feeling embarrassed but excited.

"I'm back! Sorry, I had to check on the food." My mom said, rushing back in with her hands behind her back.

"I thought you ordered KFC?" Kirishima mumbled to himself.

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