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Bakugou's POV:

I woke up and Eijirou wasn't beside me.
I mean, Kirishima wasn't beside me.

I sighed and put my arm over my face.
I could hardly sleep last night. Maybe it's because I'm used to sleeping with Kirishima, or maybe it's because of how mad I was.

Mad. I didn't really know any other words to describe this feeling as. I know I'm mad at myself. Because I got things wrong.

I was so sure. I knew Kirishima liked me.
That's fucking why I-!
I was expecting too much.

"Damn it..." I growled out, reaching my hand out and feeling the empty space beside me.
Kirishima probably got up before me.

What did I do wrong? I was sure the date was pretty good. Kiri liked it, right? And I'm almost certain he likes me back.

Maybe he doesn't like me back? Maybe...
That friend he mentioned, a while back.
But the way Kirishima said it, it seems like he passed away a few years ago.

Maybe that why he acts strange sometimes.

I sighed at got up, grumbling to myself.
Getting no sleep really isn't helping my bad mood.

I noticed how Kirishima's hoodie was folded neatly on the bed. I mean, the one I gave to him.

That's weird.
He usually loves to wear it when he gets up. The kitchen is too cold and I know how much he hates the cold.

I shook my head out of my thoughts and stomped downstairs. The idea of facing Kirishima and my mom adding to my anger.

But when I got there, I didn't see them.
Shrugging, I popped bread into the toaster and switched on the radio, letting it play quietly as I leaned against the counter.

I saw the door slowly creep open.

Finally. Where the fuck was he-

"Oh Katsuki, you're up." My mom smiled.
Oh. It's her. For some reason, I was disappointed.

"Go away." I grumbled, turning around and spreading butter on the toast.

"Eijirou is still asleep? He usually likes to get up at the same time as yo-"
She was cut off by me dropping the bread knife.

A sense of panic shot through me.

"You mean Kirishima didn't get up with you?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
No, he's probably playing games. Maybe he's in the bathroom? The living room?

My moms eyes widened. "Shit. I should have kept an eye on him. Especially after the talk last night." She scrambled around her pockets and pulled out her phone.

"What talk last night? What are you saying?"
I knew nothing, and I was getting more pissed by the second.

I was just rejected.
I couldn't sleep.
I have a headache.
My mom is talking about shit I should know.
And now Kirishima is gone.

Fucking perfect.

"Oh. Nothing. You can talk to him about it later." She mumbled, typing Kirishima's number into her phone.

"He hates going out without you. And it's so early. Why would he just leave like that?!" My mom was starting to panic.
I didn't know what to do.

Serves him right.

I shoved that thought back into my head. I'm mad, but saying that is wrong.

"After the indecent he's been too scared to go outside by himself, and they still haven't caught the man! What the hell is he doing, not even telling us?" I noticed tears prick in her eyes.

I tried my hardest to pretend I didn't care, but that thought did alarm me.

My mom called his phone. We waited for a few seconds in silence.

Then, I heard it calling from upstairs.

"Shit, he left his phone here? How will he contact us if he's in trouble?" My mom was almost crying.

"Calm down, he's probably just gone home for a while. Give him some space and he'll come to us. It's fine." I reassured, even if I was mad.
She took a deep breath and sighed.

"You're right. But we're supposed to look after him. After what happened, I can't imagine him going outside willingly." She rambled.
I tried my best to reassure her, not because of the fact she was freaking out, but because of what she was saying was making me freak out.

I still tried to keep my cool. It's fine. He just needs some space because of last night.

He's fine. He's alright.

But I couldn't ignore the feeling growing in my stomach saying "You're wrong."

[Authors Notes!]
cloud_kaden thanks so much for your lovely comment!💖💓💖 I was almost crying on the bus, thank you!
And to everyone- thanks so much for 12k views on my story! I love every one of you! You're all so kind! (  ; . ;)>💖💗❣️

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