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Kirishima's POV:

I sniffled into Bakugou's shirt. Is he mad at me? He said he won't hit me... why not?

I was confused. I really am stupid. I have no idea how people behave except Ryan and my dad...

I wanna learn. I really wanna learn.

Why is Bakugou so kind to me? I hurt him so much and he has to put up with my shit. But he's still here. With me. He hasn't left.

My arms tightened around Bakugou's neck.
Would it be selfish to ask a question from him?
I really need to ask one... maybe he won't mind...?

"B-Bakugou...?" I stuttered. Of course I stuttered. Stupid.

"Yeah?" He asked gently, stoking my hair. I didn't mean to, but I leaned into his touch.
I always do that. I searched it up and google says I'm "touch starved." I think I know the meaning of that without it even needing to be explained.

I thought about me question. How do I say what I want to say?
"Bakugou... why don't you hit me when you get mad at me...?" It sounded worse outloud. Would I offend him?

His arms tightened around me, pulling me closer. "I would never hit you. Even if I was mad. But I'm not. Don't say things like that, it scares me." He mumbled, helping me sit right on his lap.

"Why not?" In a way I wanted him to. I wanted him to get mad at me. I deserved it. I won't learn properly without it, that's what Ryan says. Ryan's always right.

"Because you don't hit people you care about. That's fucked up." He mumbled, looking sad.

Does that mean dad and doesn't like me? Does that make Ryan a bad person? Surly, that isn't true. I won't believe it.

"I don't understand.." I mumbled. Bakugou can be confusing sometimes.

"I know. That's okay, I'll help." Bakugou shifted a little.

"A-am I hurting you?! Should I move?" I worried, scared that me sitting in his lap would hurt him.

"No! I mean- no. It's fine, stay." Bakugou wrapped his arms around me making me blush.

Shit. Not again. Why do I feel like this around him?

"What are you think' 'bout?" He asked. I blushed further, not knowing what to say.
"What's with that blush? Did I embarrass you?" He looked a little worried. But at the same time... not?

"No, it's okay... um. It's just the position we're in is a little weird..." Aahh, how do I say this?
I... don't really want to move either though...

"Oh, are you uncomfortable?" Bakugou asked that a lot, actually. If I look nervous it's always the word "uncomfortable." I think I know what he's meaning when he says it. Bakugou has been cautious since.... the incident.

"No, I... kinda want to stay like this- I mean!
If it's okay! I would like t-to, but you don't- Uhm, I-" I searched online what the feeling was when you're flustered around your other guy friend. The term "gay panic" came up a lot.

Bakugou laughed at me, making me feel ashamed. I turned my head away, blushing in shame.

"Hey, no- I didn't laugh at you like that, I was- I mean.. you looked a little flustered and I thought it was cute." He mumbled as he apologised.






He thinks I'm cute!!

Wait, calm down...

"Thank you..." I felt really embarrassed. Ahh, I feel so awkward.

"No need for a thanks. Ah-" Bakugou held his side suddenly. My heart beat faster.

Look what you did-

No I can't think that way right now. I should help Bakugou! I rushed into the kitchen. "Why are you rushing off again?! Kirishima?" He called after me.

I came back into the room with frozen peas and got onto the couch, sitting on my feet next to Bakugou. I lifted his shirt and pressed it against him. He swore under his breath but said he felt fine.

"Does it.. does it help?" I looked up at him, seeing if I'm doing a good job helping him. He nodded, smiling at me. I gave a weak smile back.

I suddenly heard the door click open and Mrs. Mitsuki walked into the house, eating chocolate. She looked at us. "Gah! I thought you were away!" She shrieked, looking startled.

Mrs. Mitsuki took a closer look at Bakugou and almost choked. "What happened to you?!" She yelled in alarm, rushing over. "Are you okay?! What happened?!"

He rolled his eyes. "Just... got into a fight 's all. Don't worry about it." He brushed her off.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh, Katsuki, What have I told you about fighting?" She laid a hand on his cheek.

Don't be mad at Bakugou!

"Ah- Mrs. Mitsuki. It was my fault, Bakugou is hurt because of me-" I started.

"Stop saying that! You did't start a fight, you didn't mean for it to happen-" Bakugou tried to say before Mitsuki took over.

"That's it! Keep your voices down, we're inside!" She scolded. Then she turned to me.

"Eijirou, I don't believe you did this to him. Stop blaming yourself. It'll be alright sweetheart, you just seem a little troubled right now. That's why you're trying to take the blame yourself. Relax a little, its fine to let yourself breath." She said gently, placing a hand on my shoulder. I swallowed.

"And Katsuki, where does it hurt? It's there any deep cuts that might need stitches?" She asked in pure worry. Bakugou brushed her off again.

"It's fine. Kirishima helped with everything. It's all good." He said casually. Mitsuki still looked worried.

"I'll make you something to drink. You should head to bed, both of you. You look exhausted."
She put her hands on our cheeks.

"It's only four-" Bakugou was cut off.
"Now. You heard me. You need some rest." She ordered. He sighed and pulled me along. I quickly got to his side, trying to help him to walk. "It's fine, Kiri. I don't have a problem with walking. 'S just my side that hurts." He groaned. I walked beside him cautiously.

Once I closed the door to Bakugou's room, he looked serious.

"What happened?"

[Authors Notes!]
I'm sorry if this was short! I was so busy today but managed to write as much as I could. See you tomorrow!💖

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