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Kirishima's POV:

My eyelids fell while me and Bakugou were sitting on the sofa. His arms were still wrapped protectively around my body since when he found me at school. Bakugou immediately took me home, well not before he took us to get boba and a movie.

I didn't drink a lot and I wasn't really paying attention to the movie playing quietly in the background. But I was content with just laying in Bakugou's arms. He would keep checking up on me every few minutes. A simple "Are you okay?" Or "How do you feel?"

I tried my best to hide it. Bakugou wasn't going and I planned to keep it that way. I'm not going to ruin it by showing emotion.

Maybe I took Bakugou for stupid in the beginning. Or maybe I relied too much on myself and thought everything would go unnoticed. That's why, when Bakugou came along, I didn't think he was going to see.
But I think..

I think Bakugou isn't as passive as I used to think he was. He isn't stupid. And I hope he'll never piece things together. But then again, I'm good at lying.
"Hey, did you eat today? You're pretty skinny." He said, obviously trying not to sound too offensive.

I get that a lot, actually. "Did you eat?" "Aren't you hungry?"
But it's not something bad, like how most people think immediately if they see someone underweight. I think it's just hard for me to gain weight. No matter how much I eat, I stay the same size.

"I had an apple and some yogurt this morning. And I had boba just now." I said, trying to reassure Bakugou. I guess I hurt myself differently. If I am upset, it'll turn off my appetite for a while, but I won't stop eating for days at a time.

"Ah, that's good. I think my mom will be home soon, she'll kill us." Bakugou laughed, trying his best to lighten the mood. I gave him a quick smile. It was forced, and I really just wanted to be left alone right now, but it seemed to make Bakugou happy, so I guess I'm happy too.

"Hey.." a serious voice this time. Bakugou's serious voice makes me scared. I always feel like I've done something wrong.
"Ryan told me something."


"I mean, it was kinda confusing..." he laughed, screatching his neck. There is so many things Ryan could tell Bakugou! Please don't tell me he-

"He told me where you were." Bakugou stated.
Where I was?
"I asked him if he knew where you were and he told me. I was kinda confused at why such a fucking asshole would help me out suddenly." Bakugou looked at me, silently searching for an I answer I'm not going to give.

Bakugou saw I was uncomfortable with the situation. "Let's just drop it, okay?" He offered and I nodded, liking that idea.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Bakugou groaned in frustration and unwrapped his arms from around my waist reluctantly. He trudged over to the door, wearing an annoyed look on his face and pulled it open.

"What are you idiots doing here?" I heard him growl. That alarmed me. I thought it was Mrs. Mitsuki.

"Because you ditched school in the middle of a class, duh." Kaminari mocked as if it was obvious. I heard another cold groan from Bakugou as he opened door, letting them in.
"Don't break anything." He warned.

"Yeah Kaminari. Keep your hands off shit." Jirou glared at him. I still laid on the sofa, feeling a little venerable. I don't want to see people right now...

"Yooo! Kirishima! We missed you!" I heard Sero cheer, once he found me. That seemed to clear my mind for a second and make me not so worried. They're nice. It's okay.

They flopped down on the sofa next to me, Kaminari automatically reaching for the biscuits. Ashido slapped his hand quickly.
"How the hell did you find out where I lived?" Bakugou questioned, not looking impressed.

"She showed us." Ashido said casually, pointing to the door. A not-very-happy Bakumom waited at the front door. Bakugou's face dropped a little.
"What did I tell you about skipping school?!" She yelled.

"We didn't skip. We went to school but something came up. We had to come home." Though I couldn't see it, I knew Bakugou shot a look at me, because Mrs. Mitsuki's eyes darted to me and back again, then she nodded understandingly.

It made me feel a little bad, but I knew Bakugou's intentions were good.

"Hey, what's this?" Kaminari said, picking up a delicate-looking candle holder. Jirou slapped him over the head. "Put that down!" Bakugou scolded.

I tried my best to look happy that everyone was here. But my mind kept darting back to Ryan.

Hopefully, he didn't tell Bakugou anything else.

[Authors Notes!]
Sorry for the short chapter!
School started again, and to be completely honest, I'm dying! I just wanna sleep in. Thanks for reading, and see you tomorrow!💖💖💖💖

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